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Full Moon in Gemini & Sun in Sagittarius 6 Dec ’14

Happy Full Moon, last Full Moon this year 2014

Happy Full Moon

The nights and days are getting colder.  It starts to go dark by 5pm and the nights are longer, darker and colder.  In the coldness we gather with friends to celebrate our lives and bring more joy into each others lives.  How great it is to gather and share; to laugh and forget one’s worries.  This Full Moon is known as a Cold Moon or the Long Night Moon.  Because of the cold winter is a time to hibernate; for me it is a good time to gather and celebrate and be with friends.  Take time for oneself and be with warm friends who love you.  Stop worries about deadlines and targets.  Breathe and relax for 15 minutes and just allow yourself to BE.

RainbowHappy Full Moon in Gemini with Sun in Sagittarius (Cold Moon) on Saturday 6 December 2014 12:27 GMT London   Element Air/Fire    We will be holding a Full Moon Meditation Gathering from 7pm.  For more details and to book, click here:www.fullmoongemini2014.eventbrite.co.uk  See you there.  You can pay cash at the door. Thank you xxx

dancing twinstwo but not twonov 17 111111 pictures 030kisses of love

The Energy of Now: Element Air/Fire

Full Moon in Gemini with Sun in Sagittarius

Gemini is the TWINS and likes doing things in two and with other people.  Gemini is high intellect and loves sharing with the world.  Gemini likes the comforts of life and the life of ease.  Gemini needs to work hard yet hates to work hard.  The contradiction of the duality of opposites is very much manifested with this Energy of Now.  How ingenuous.

CelebratingTwinsWe have the Number 2.  Two is polarity.  It is duality.  Two things are similar.  Two things are very different.  Two things are opposites.  Two things are contradictory.  Two things do not match.  Two things match.  Looking at these two pictures what do you see that is similar, different, opposite?  When  you look at the energy of TWO in your life is there a coming together or a separation? 

passionate dance of lifeFIRE ELEMENT of Sagittarius makes for passion and sudden bursts of impulses and reckless behaviour.  Fire is movement and showy.   It is vibrant life force.  This Full Moon is a great time to celebrate your vibrant life force.  How? You could go to the gym, a dance class or simply make passionate love. Fire and passion is really is in the Air. 

AIR ELEMENT of Gemini is the thinking side of life.  We have the passionate fire dance which is movement in the Air; and then we come back together to communicate our reflections, ponderings, experiences, ideas and desires to each other.  We breathe in Air to live.   We move Air with our mouths and create sounds.  We live in Air, the Other Void, I call it!  The need to communicate and be listened to is important with this Gemini influence.  If you find you feel like being listened to; when normally you do not care; you know that the Energy of Now is influencing you. 

Sima Westley and her twinsDiscernment  The energy is discerning in thought, words and action.  The energy is fast and furious; yet it beckons caution and discernment.  We do not want to be swept by blind emotion or habit.  We do not want to feel sorry for ourselves; but we do.  We wonder why Mother Nature has done ‘this’ to us. We realise the concept of hindsight, which the Collins English dictionary describes as: the ability to understand, after something has happened, what should have been done.  Discernment is so important at this impulsive time with the Fire energy asking us to rise, to act, to inflame and the Air energy pushing us to be reckless in our spoken words to others and even to ourselves.  Choose happy smiles. 

Silent ContemplationThinking This is the time to sharpen your thinking mind, your thought process and really work on keeping them positive; and on what you are wanting.  The Element Air rules thinking which lives in the Air; or does it?  Thinking is abstract.  Is thinking inside us or outside us?  If  you were to point to where your thinking is where would you point to?  Thinking is the process of thought.  It is using intelligent thought to arrive at a thought.  It is being capable of using ones thoughts to ponder, to consider and to judge a problem or situation or issue.  It is also the ability to believe in one’s thoughts. OR not to believe in ones thoughts!

Projection Too many people are projecting their negative past to their future. They are believing that what happened in the past will definitely happen in the future.  They believe this so much they are blind to anything else.  So where are you pointing your finger when you are thinking this way?  You are using your own thoughts and words and actions to project a negative future!  Then you wonder why you do not have that job, partner, husband, wife, child, etc.  If your thoughts are really living thoughts why not make sure they are nice happy thoughts for yourself and others?  Why project jealousy, envy, rage, greed, anger, stupidity and foolishness?  Is that all you  have to give the world?

helloCritical Mind  What are you thinking about?  Your Critical Mind can be an asset to you if you use it with discernment.  What type of Critical Mind do you have?  Is it analytical, critical, practical, logical or emotional?   How do you judge your life and yourself?  How do you judge others?  Do you feel you are better than them?  Do you feel a need to belittle others?  How is your Critical Mind, your Judgemental Mind affecting you?  Is your Critical Mind bringing you happiness?  If it is not, you know you have work to do on yourself. One of the greatest asset of a Critical Mind is the ability to reflect, ponder, rethink, and consider carefully; before making a decision.   It is also the ability to admit when you have been wrong and to learn the lesson from the experience.  Be aware of how you communicate with yourself and others.

two birds - onya picsProposing More What happened to proposing more for yourself and celebrating the grandness of you?  What happened to your self belief and your faith?  Stop over-thinking your life and really start enjoying and celebrating your life.  This Full Moon is really a wonderful reminder – it comes every two weeks – for us to remember to celebrate our lives and propose great things for ourselves and recognise the greatness in our lives – no matter how small we may think it is. Today I challenge you to propose more for your life with the fullness of this glorious FULL MOON in Gemini or any FULL MOON after this. 

nice twin roses in blue bottleDelays This is a time to look at delays e.g. delayed pregnancy, delayed birth, delayed agreements, delayed legal contracts, delayed……  What is delayed in your life?  What have you put off doing?  What is lingering on your  mind that you should do and you have not?  Have you ignored looking after the home?  Perhaps doing a simple act as ordering a new coat stand will make you feel like you have finally done something important in your life.  You have been ignoring a basic item in your home that will not keep the home tidy; and stop you throwing your coats around the floor or the chairs.  That simple action is the FIRE ELEMENT of this wonderful Energy of Now.  Something rises up in you to take a simple action that causes a nice ripple effect in your mind, body and spirit.  Have you delayed your own Spiritual Realisations and your deep cry for Spiritual Awakening?  This FULL MOON is a wonderful time to realise this and FIRE yourself up with stamina, hope, belief, and great possibilities for yourself, your life, your mind, your body,m your spirit, and your soul.

flowPersonal Power  It is important not to give your power away; and; if you have; to recognise that you have.  How do you know you have given your power away?  You know when you suddenly feel tired, listless, indecisive and confused.  Everything was going for you and suddenly it is not!  Personal power is all about the Energy of Now.  Are you feeling revitalised, energetic and revitalised?  No?  Come to the FULL MOON Workshop on Saturday and feel yourself being cleansed and empowered. You will be amazed at how you feel after your very own personal experience. 

golden swanComing Back Home to Yourself  What does that statement mean?  How many of you have your ladder on the wrong wall?  You have achieved a lot in work and you find you are not happing.  Something is missing! Your spiritual life is starving and you feel like you are going no way.  You have the money, the home, the career, the lifestyle.  YET you are EMPTY.  You have gone down a path that you thought was the right path for you only to realise that some things are missing in your life.  You have concentrated on one area of your life and ignored a more basic human need – e.g. commitment to share your life truly with another, being vulnerable and trusting yourself to reveal that to another and trusting they will be there for you; as you know you will be there for them when they show their vulnerable side.  Coming Back Home to Yourself is realising where your True Home is.  It is in YOU not outside You.  It is stepping back into your body.  It is turning around and walking back home to yourself.  It is stopping and really looking at your life and realising that there is a lot to celebrate about yourself and your gloriousness when you Come Home to Yourself.  This is easy with my helping you; through the empowering Hands of Light Spiritual Coaching, that I offer. 

owl night Crisis is a Greek word that means to decide, to make a decision.  This Full Moon shines a light on ‘crisis’ you need to look at in your life.  It is a time when difficult decisions have to be made, but they must not be made till you have gotten some clarity. There are many ways to get clarity in your life; like Spiritual Coaching; which I mentioned earlier.  You can book a 20 minutes Free Consultation on my blog in the section: The Work I do. 

To Do Lists If you are busy doing your To Do List, how do you find time to share your moments with special people?  Do you get caught up in the ‘business’ of your To Do List that you forgot yourself and your life?  Are you allocating special time to nurture your spiritual side and your relaxation side?

Point of No Return  When you decide to turn a corner or a crossroad you know you have made a decision to change your life and do something different – you go to a point of no return.  You give yourself an opportunity to celebrate your life. Come celebrate in a spiritual environment your culminations, your closures, your possibilities; your achievements and victorious challenges.

Relationships   How about wooing your partner again?  How about starting again with your friendship? How about giving your partner a reason to fall in love with you again? How about having a fresh attitude to your relationship and coming together?  How about giving yourself a gift of forgiveness?  How about giving your other a gift of forgiveness. Take a special moment and read this next sentence slowly:  True romance is holding the wrinkled hands of the person you are in love with.  It is not perfume and flowers.  It is sharing moments together.  It is growing together – no one said it would be easy.  Blessings

Story  Some people say life is not a fiery tale – it does not always end in happiness ever after.  Yes that is true.  For me life is a story with many parts in it.  It could be an adventure story, a fairy tale story, a historical story, a ritual story, a marriage story, a birthing story, a spiritual awakening story, a personal development story and/or a life story.  When you think about your life you may be able to put a story – your history – your her / his story.  What story are you telling right now with your life? Choose to make it a meaningful one if you can.  Do not be defeated by your current story or by your past story.  This FULL MOON is the time to shine a light on the story you are telling yourself Ariadnaor that you have been telling yourself.  How realistically true is this story?  Are you really the victim?  Or are you allowing yourself to be the victim in this story? This FULL MOON IN GEMINIE AND SUN IN SAGITTARIUS is really a good time to look at your Story, your Stories and YOU.  Find a lovely Story to celebrate your life with this Full Moon.  You are ONE PERSON with many Stories.  Which one are you choosing to live now?

Celebrate your true colours – by this I mean – celebrate where you are now; and; really determine to allocate natural time, to experience your fabulous efforts in your ‘real’ life – NOT your fantasy world. Go celebrate your life this weekend and truly do something different that brings joy, sharing and laughter into your life.  I love the picture of Ariadna dancing celebrating her life.  Thank you Ariadna, your dancing is that of a True Goddess xxx

Three Goddesses

Invocation Blessing for Full Moon in Gemini with Sun in Sagittarius (Cold Moon)

Saturday 6 December 2014      12:27 GMT London     Element Air/Fire

Toks setting up space

I Greet You

With the Powerful Vortex of Golden Light

Anchoring the Allegiance of the Lords of Light

Standing Strong: Bringing Real Life Protective Blessings to You

I Greet You

    dancing twinstwo but not twonov 17 111111 pictures 030kisses of love

I Greet YOU

With a Loving Living Relationship

Sharing Precious Moments: Filling You Up with Joy & Peace

Knowing: You are Both Committed to Each Other

I Greet You

golden shoes

I Greet You

With the Sound of Walking Confidence

Announcing Your Presence in Your Golden Shoes of Light

Celebrating Your Blooming Success & Victory

I Greet You

WingsSpirallling AngelsStanding Strong

I Greet You

With the Angels of Silver Gold Light

Dancing their Spiralling Hypnotic Magic

In the Vortex of Anointing You to Your Radiance

I Greet You Ariadna Silva Chavez at Shaka ZuluGoddess Ariandna Silva ChavezAriadna Silva Chavez goddess







I Greet You

With the Goddess of the Fire Dance

Showing Your Magnificence

Invigorating Sensual Fulfilling Adorning

I Greet You

listeningI Greet YouMedicine Woman

I Greet You

With the Medicine Shaman

Listening Attentively to Your Requests for Healing

Sending Magnetic Magnified Directional Healing Directly to You

I Greet You

Nadia SultanMaia Bellydance in blueStanding Strong MiaiAriadna Silver ChavezNadia Sultan

I Greet You

With the Magnificent Belly Dance Goddesses

Channelling Vortex Hands of Light Healing

Confident Strong Empowering Feminine Woman Warrior Power

I Greet You

Claudia and Miai

I Greet You

With the Gift of Profound Friendship

Endlessly Surviving Times of Change

Gloriously Blooming in the Vortex of Now

I Greet You

Standing Strong Receiving DownloadsAriadna Silver ChavezReceiving DownloadsStanding Strong Receiving Downloads

I Greet You

With the Gift of Receiving

Standing Strong Safe & Secure

Communicating Receiving Downloads

I Greet You

I love you Toks.  I love you too.

I Greet You

With the Gift of Kisses

Thanking You For Your Gloriousness

Really Great to Know You

I Greet You

Carnaby Christmans

I Greet You

With the Joy of Carnaby Street

Celebrating Your Achievements

Wishing You A Merry Xmas

I Greet You

Full Moon by Peter Li

I Greet You

With this Full Moon in Gemini

Celebrating Your Now Fruitions   Your Culminations

Your Closures    Your Future Possibilities’

I Greet You

I Greet YouUnicorn AngelCrystal Angel

We Greet You

We Greet You

We Greet You

Great Friends

We Greet You

We Greet You

We Greet You


I Greet You

I Greet You

I Greet You

Channelled with Love Light & Joy by Toks Beverley Coker for the Full Moon in Gemini 6 December 2014


We have had some spectacular moments with the Moon phases this year 2014.  What were you doing that was significant around the energies of the moon during this year?  What have you achieved?  What battles have you won?   Perhaps you can write them down in your journal.  There really is so much to reflect on.  So many wonderful memories.  Let us take time to celebrate our lives and give thanks.

My Personal Sharing  I did a lot of new things this year and I bloomed a lot of things too.  I also had some closures during the year and some openings too.  I am having a lot of culminations at the moment.  It really has been a very progressive year. 

  1. ToksI was asked to be the Host of the BellyDance Mind Body School, by Claudia, the Principal; after my first term; and I have done it twice in a row.  I performed twice at the End of Term Level 1 and Level 2.  I did not perform Level 3 as I decided to concentrate on being the MC for the show at Shaka Zulu.  That was a very wise decisions as it was a very hard process getting everything set up at Shaka Zulu, dealing with issues of lack of communication and information.  In the end we won.  Thank you Universe.
  2. I have done a few rituals for animals this year e.g. laying a foundation with crystals for a dog home, healing horses, dogs, talking with angel dogs, doing a burial ritual for dogs; as well as selling crystals for animals. 
  3. I have worked on being more business focused by getting a Business Coach to help me with my Spiritual work.  I have also had 7 videos done which will soon be posted and shared with the world.  I have got a fabulous Hands of Light team around me who are dedicated to getting the work of Hands of Light out to the world.
  4. Dear People who read my blog, I want to THANK YOU ALL for your wonderful support this year in reading my blog and sharing my blog and my postings.  I also want to THANK YOU for all your support since I started using my blog.  Keep sharing and spreading the Light Work I do and be part of the wonderful LEGIONS OF LIGHT TEAM.
  5. To end I will share my Next 3 DAYS OF CELEBRATION: 
    1. On Friday 5th we go to celebrate ‘our daughter’s’ birthday and Shabbat with our Jewish family. 
    2. On Saturday 6 we celebrate the Full Moon in Gemini and Sun in Sagittarius. 
    3. On Sunday 7 the Hands of Light Team go to celebrate with LUNCH at the Savoy Hotel.

See you.  Love Toks xxxxxxxxxx

Crescent Moon Peter Lihalf moon by Peter LiFull Moon by Peter Li

New Moons on 2014

Did you know that there were Two New Moons in the month of January 2014?

Did you know that both the FIRST and LAST New Moon in 2014 are in Capricorn?  They are:

  1. The LAST NEW MOON in 2014 is on Monday 22 December 2014, a few days before Christmas. StarNew Moon & Sun in Capricorn  01:37 GMT London   Element: Earth. 
  2. The FIRST NEW MOON in 2014 was on Wednesday 1 January 2014 New Year DayStarNew Moon & Sun in Capricorn  11:15 GMT London   Element Earth.  I will be in France celebrating the last New Moon in 2014.

First Full Moon in both 2014 and 2015

Did you know that the FIRST Full Moon in both 2014 and 2015 are in Full Moon in Cancer and Sun in Capricorn (Wolf Moon)?  Here they are:

  1. In 2014 on Thursday 16 January 2014, the RainbowFull Moon in Cancer & Sun in Capricorn (Wolf Moon)was a  MICRO FULL MOON    04:53 GMT London     Element Water/Earth
  2. On 5 January 2015 is the RainbowFull Moon in Cancer and Sun in Capricorn (Wolf Moon)  04:54 GMT London   Element: Water/Earth

Super Full Moons

Did you know there were 3 SUPER FULL MOONS in a row in 2014?  They were:

  1. Saturday 12 July 2014RainbowFull Moon in Capricorn with Sun in Cancer (Buck Moon) SUPER FULL MOON
  2. Sunday 10 August 2014RainbowFull Moon in Aquarius with Sun in Leo (Sturgeon Moon) SUPER FULL MOON
  3. Tuesday 9 September 2014 RainbowFull Moon in Pisces with Sun in Virgo (Harvest Moon) SUPER FULL MOON


Did you know we had 2 Lunar and 2 Solar Eclipses in 2014? What were you doing then?

  1. Tuesday 15 April 2014RainbowFull Moon in Libra with Sun in Aries  (Pink Moon)  TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE – West Asia, East in North America, Parts of South America
  2. Tuesday 29 April 2014StarNew Moon & Sun in Taurus  ANNULAR SOLAR ECLIPSE – South in Asia, Australia, Pacific, Indian Ocean, Antarctica
  3. Wednesday 8 October 2014RainbowFull Moon in Aries with Sun in Libra (Hunter’s Moon)  TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE – West Asia, West in Australia, Parts of North America, East in South America
  4. Thursday 23 October2014StarNew Moon & Sun in Scorpio  PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE – East in Asia, Much of North America, Pacific, Atlantic

Services Toks Coker

Hi, I hope you enjoyed this post. Drop me a line and let me know how you found it.  It would be nice if you would LIKE my blog and fan page and follow me on twitter.

ebookDon’t forget to join my mailing list too & receive your FREE GIFT 7 Days 7 Chakras.

Watch my video made specially for you https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/

COMING SOON:  Ebooks will be coming out soon. Look out for them. 

If you use any of my work or my pictures please give me the credit due; and pass on my blog and website.

Thank you.

Toks Coker Hands of Light Ankh Snake Heart SparkleToks Coker 2013Toks Coker Hands of Light Ankh Snake Heart Sparkle

With Celestial Blessings and Love Toks xxxxxxx

© Toks Coker 2014