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Full Blue Strawberry Moon Solstice 20 June 2016


hello Legions of Light

On Monday 20 June at our Alchemical Moon Gathering we celebrate 3 diverse and different events:

  1. Summer Solstice. Litha. Longest Day. Wiccan/Pagan

  2. First Nations Day. Canada

  3. Full Blue Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius and Sun in Gemini 

The day before, 19 June, we will have celebrated Father’s Day and Pentecost (Orthodox Christianity).

We are approaching the end of the sixth month of the year, then we have another 5 months to go before the year 2016 ends.  We have seen a lot of changes on Earth and in the Skies.  We really are in the INBETWEEN TIMES OF CREATION.  We are in the vortex of alchemical change, transformation and action.  To do all this we need to be willing to let the ‘chains’ fall off.  What have you learnt about: yourself and others,  yourself and the world view, yourself and the stand you make?  The gathering on June 20 is truly a gathering of hope and sharing. The collective Energies gather to create a wonderful spiral illuminating greatness and gratitude.  It also gathers to reveal what may have been hidden or what you may feel has been hidden.  There is so much information with this energy to share with you all.

     19-6-16 - Father's Day20-6-16 - Summer Solsticehappy solstice

The Energy of Now

Gift with a bowFull Moon in Sagittarius – Sun in Gemini    Gift with a bowStrawberry Moon    Gift with a bowTime of Full Moon in London: 12:03 BST (12:03pm)  {MoonRise 21:02/MoonSet 05:08}   Gift with a bowElement – Fire/Air     Gift with a bowLongest day     Gift with a bowTime of Moon Gathering 7pm    Gift with a bowVenue Full Moon 20 June 

smilingSocial Media: I was at a function and watched people linking on Facebook and Twitter,  intensely networking, with their phones. It was wonderful to see.  They were taking action: Do it now and connect now on social media through your phone.  As you communicate with others, making eye to eye contact, smiling, laughing and sharing moments; you also allocate time to add them to your social media network.  Great skill. Great event. New friends connecting on social media.

The intensity of social media has taken over our lives with lots to read in our emails, tweets, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.  This can be overwhelming with an overload of information and ideas.  How much time do we really have to read all this information? 

The need to balance your life in today’s fast energetic dark/light world is the challenge.  We have an overload of information that is not necessarily true or real. Yet we believe it. We do not check what we read.  We just believe blindly.  The light of the Full Moon and Solstice awaken us to see what is hidden and reveal truths we may or may not like.

On a daily basis do you pay more attention to your social media than the person in front of you?  Be mindful of how you may be ‘dis-respecting’ or ‘dis-missing’ the person?  Are you developing a relationship with your computer and phones that exclude human contact and real eye to eye contact?

Texting another is different from face-to-face communication.  You can see the eyes of the person you are talking to and see their body language.  In texts and emails we have a lot of misunderstanding and miscommunication causing rifts.  Would it not be better to pick up the phone and call? Would it not be better to look into a person’s eyes and talk with a wonderful kind smile.  Arrange a meet up, put the phone down and communicate directly to another person. 

There is something so very special spending time with wonderful human beings.  I had a great time at a launch I attended #VerveRally where I met some wonderful people, we connected on social media and have already arrange to meet up face to face within the month. How exciting.  Use social media wisely.  

happyTruth:  Sagittarius, like the Archer, likes to point its energy to what it wants to focus on and what it wants. Gemini, like the Twins, wants to express and communicate with others.  The Full Moon brings together two opposite signs and this has an effect on our behaviour. With the combined quality of both signs the wonderful qualities of focus, determination and dedication help us to communicate in various way.  We can express in many positive ways such as communicating through dancing, eating, writing, speaking, discussing, teaching, editing or proof reading.  Great communication leads to great relationships. Great relationships like honesty, respect and truth. 

On an alchemical level, the collective energy brings forth truths by uprooting the source of the issue, pain and suffering.  Whatever is hidden is revealed.  What emotions have we hidden that are suddenly erupting with this Full Moon Solstice Energy?  Are we the Archer (Sagittarius) aiming for the One Truth or are we the Twins (Gemini) offering two sides to the One Truth or to Different Truths? 

pinocchioDeception:  If you promise what you cannot deliver, if you lie, if you gossip, if you pretend, if you mislead, if you hide something or if you give part information you will change the cause of an outcome and relationship.  If you hide information or lie  you are creating a rift that may take years to heal. If you judge without finding out the two sides of a situation you may spend a life time of regret saying “What if….” or “Perhaps I was wrong….”  blah blah blah 

The Blue Full Moon and Solstice reveal truths, deceptions, lies, deceit and hidden facts.  Be mindful of how you are communicating.  Be mindful of how others are communicating to you.  Be discerning to know what is real and what is not. Remember the law of Cause and Effect.  You will be bitten back with the Energy of Now, if not now, then definitely, in the future.

How about working with Mercury (Gemini) for quick thinking, conversation and communication in a positive way?  How about working with Jupiter (Sagittarius) for great expansive, confident and joyous communication?

BlueMoonFairiesRevelation:  The wonderful light of the Full Moon gathers to full potency to reveal to us what needs to be attended to.  Could it be the competition within your relationships? Could it be that you are not listening to each other?  Could it be that one person in the relationship is not listening while the other expresses their desire?  Could it be a feeling of being bullied, shouted down or undermined?  Could there be issues of control within the relationship?  Could it be you are believing in gossip or in a lie?  Could it be you are creating and projecting your own archetype because it is familiar and you do not want to get rid of it? 

Sometimes the pattern we live in makes us so comfortable and we feel uncomfortable to change – even if the situation is not good for us.  We are so comfortable in our misery we create the vortex to stay in it.  We do not want change. We like the misery we are living in and like feeling like a victim.  We complain and do nothing about it.  We like to hear the sound of our own voice. Where are you now in your life?  Perhaps you are not stuck and you are moving forward.  That is good. 

This Healing Light from both the Sun and the Moon is a powerful vortex of great energy that transcends time and space.  It really is a powerful time to download great healing light and energy; which enables great shift in your network, your life, your thinking and your being.  Are you ready for such a change? I am.

Blue Moons and Seasonal Blue Moons 2016

There is a difference between a Blue Moon and a Seasonal Blue Moon.

Full MoonThis Full Moon is a Seasonal BLUE MOON. This is because it is the fourth of four Full Moons between the March 2016 Equinox and the June 2016 Solstice.  Usually there are only three Full Moons, but this time we have four Full Moons. So it is called a Seasonal Blue Moon. This has a cycle of every 19 years: so, roughly, seven times in 19 years, a season has four Full Moons.  Read more here: Blue Moon.

Remember a Blue Moon is the second Full Moon in a month. The last Blue Moon in 2016 was Monday 21. So, almost a month ago, on Saturday 21 May, at our Gathering we celebrated 3 diverse and different events: (1)Full Moon in Sagittarius – Sun in Taurus Flower Moon BLUE MOON.  Element: Fire/Earth. (2) WESAK, Buddha Day (Buddhism) and (3) Lailat al Bara’ah, Night of Forgiveness. God blessing all humans. (Islam).   You can read up about that wonderful Energy on the blog: FullMoon21May2016

Summer Solstice 2016

The Summer Solstice is the First Day of Summer.  The Solar Energy is strong and reaches its peak.  Lots of intense potential and light pours down to Mother Earth from the Sun and the Moon.  This Full Moon falls on the Summer Solstice.  It is the first Full Moon to fall on the June Solstice since 1967. It will not happen again till 2062 June 21.  What a rare phenomenon and we are alive to witness it.  Congratulations.

Summer SolsticeThe Summer Solstice is the the longest day of the year and is a Pagan festival.  It celebrates the Sun, Moon and Earth. It is nice to witness the SUNRISE (04:43) between the stones in Stonehenge and the SUNSET (21:22) in the evening.  We welcome the New Sun on 20 June. While the Summer Solstice is the longest day of the  year the Winter Solstice (21 December 2016) is the shortest day of the year.  

Tilt of Earth:  During the Summer Solstice the tilt of the Earth’s axis is inclined to the Sun, directly over the Tropic of Cancer, so we get the most daylight of the year.  It will be 16 hours of daylight. During the Winter Solstice the tilt of the Earth’s axis is inclined away from the Sun, directly over the Tropic of Capricorn, so we get less sunlight and the shortest day of the year. It is the longest night of the year.  It will be just under 8 hours of sunlight. The day after sees the beginning of the lengthening of days, till we get to the Summer Solstice in June.  You can read more by clicking:  Summer Solstice.

First Nations Day (Canada)

On the Summer Solstice with the Full Moon a Day of Recognition will be celebrated all over Canada. It is the National Aboriginal Day. The First Nations Day in Canada will see lots of celebrations such as the Niagara Falls lit up in the colours of the Medicine Wheel which are yellow, red, blue and white. The purpose of this is to heal the rifts and encourage the reconciliation of a people – the indigenous people of the land. AMEN.  At our Moon Gathering we will be celebrating the original people of each land and the ancestors of each land with this Energy.

The Energy of Now (continued)

Let-Yourself-be-silent22Here are just some things to be aware of with this Energy o Now.

Observation:  Full Moon is a time to celebrate where you are.  It is not about analysis – it is about observation.  Observe where you are right now in your life.  It is not about being destructive in your mind – with your self talk analysing yourself and others, thus creating division.  The physiological conflict here is not to have division but to observe. Observe rather than analyse.  Observe what you think is right and what you think is wrong.  Just observe.  Do not develop a relationship with your Observation.  Just detach and observe.  Through this way you get more insight and clarity in your life.  You welcome the Silence of your Mind with the Alchemical Resurrection of Your True Self.

Controller:  The Controller in you needs to step down as this causes inner tension and discord within you and with the people around you.  This Controller in you may be in you because of inner and/or outer prejudice, tradition, illusion, as wall as, concepts and beliefs you may have with reference to your concept of safety and security. This can lead to separation as the ignorance fights with the intelligence.  There is no relationship when this happens.  This Blue Full Moon Solstice brings out this discord that creates chaos forcing us to create clarity through the chaos, separation, divorce, etc.  Be alert to the Controller in you.

Happy Fathers DayCare and Attention:  Pay care and attention to your life and your psychological problems.  See them for what they are and for what is happening in your life. Give your life the right kind of care and attention.  Pay attention to your intensions and what you attend to and the results you manifest.  Pay attention to the rituals you carry out in your life.  Care about yourself – this involves caring for your mind, body and spirit. Your Spiritual Development with Hands of Light and Toks Coker is anchored with deep meditation work that affects all other developments in your life such as financial, personal, health, coaching, learning, etc.  Give complete attention to what you are doing no matter how small and observe your results.  

Strategy:  Sometimes the best strategy is NO ANSWER.  Sometimes the best strategy is not to engage.  Sometimes the best strategy is to wait till it is the right time to do something.  Like a fairy tale you will see the monsters, the evil and the bad people that will echo to you around you and in the world.  We see the extremes of emotions Donald Trump and Obama bring out in people.  What emotions do they bring out in you? If you met either of them Now what strategy would you employ? BE careful of the need to prove someone or something wrong. Be mindful of the need to point a finger and blame another.  Be mindful of your strategy or lack of strategy in dealing with your life. Do you have a plan or do you live with no plan?

SilenceEmotions:  As with all Full Moons you may find yourself overwhelmed by things you have to do and things you have not done.  You may find yourself overwhelmed by the challenges of your relationships.  You may find yourself in a EXPLOSIVE mood as you come to a violent and volatile play of words and language.  How are your emotions and words separating  you from the person you love? 

Like a fairy tale you may find all the emotions a bit too much.  There seems to be nothing you can cling to for support – only yourself and then you may feel that you do not even have yourself to cling on to for support!!! 

The need to express you anger and your emotions may leave you feeling drained yet relieved.  With all this anger and emotion released you feel empty and angry with yourself!!!  Do you apologise for speaking your truth?  Perhaps you could have said it in a different way?  Then self talk comes in and you start to communicate with yourself. Now how does that go for you?

Remember in the transformation of your life and your evolution, you are evolving into the greater YOU, the brilliant You, the seen You, the noticed You, the Star of You.  You are recognising your essence and acknowledging your light and your fire.  Welcome to the graciousness of this confusing Blue Full Moon with Solar Eclipse energy.  Give yourself a pat on the back. 

Your vulnerability is real.  Your emotion is raw.  Your life is real with its passion of love, happiness, rage and anger.  It seems the Fire is burning them all up together – in a melting pot or cauldron -  leaving you confused or unsure of what to do.  Just do nothing for the time being and allow your process through this moment of vulnerability and processing.  Do not fight it.  Rather concentrate on what is positive in your life.

This Full Moon process is not an easy process.  It is like you are riding on a turbulent boat with no direction but you know there has to be direction, though you do not necessarily know where, yet you arrived here yourself!!!  It is a journey you must take and only you can take it yourself.  You cannot give it to someone else to journey for you.  So, before today, you have been riding on this turbulent boat, and what are you celebrating and reveal as an accomplishment?  What is making you rejoice? For rejoice you must, with this energy.

blessingsOptimism:  The Energy of Now looks at your pain and suffering and asks you to fill your Energy with optimism and hope.  Treat yourself as a human being.  Treat others as human beings.  Be kind to yourself and others. 

We all have decisions to make – are they tribal, tribalistic?  Concentrate on where you focus your energy in making decisions.  What is your motive in your concentration?  What is your thought?  Do you trust the Universe enough to get you to where you want to get?  Have you trusted the Universe before?  Do you have proof of this – the Universe looked after you?

Call forth the memory of success and happiness and bring that forward to your Now and help yourself to create a healthy mind.  Laughter is the best success.  You already know the mind is demanding, intrusive and noisy – like a rat or mouse you do not like.  Just simply ignore it or move away from it.  When you think of the mind in this way you learn to keep an optimistic mind. You know you are doing what you love and you are happy to be doing it. Then it becomes a holistic mind and a sacred mind.

discordDiscord:   In the abyss of your mind how do you untangle the discord within you, to help you arrive at your own psychological optimism?  In untangling your mind how many minds do you have?  One, two, three or no mind?

We remember things that are important to us and forget things that are not important to us.  So are we holding on to a memory that is old, tired and painful? Where is your optimism when this arises in your?  Is the optimism no more and is this replaced by the discord in your mind?

What type of discord occupies your mind?  I am a Christian so I should not like crystals or work with crystals.  I am a Buddhist so I should not be a crystal healer.  I am a Moslem so I should not read anything on crystals.  All these disagreements or rules are rooted in religious beliefs and in dogmatism.  How is the discord in your life caused by dogma?  Perhaps it is time to change and expand yourself. In what direction will you look and take your mind with you? If you do not know how about going within with the alchemical energy work with me, Toks Coker? 

Some Experiences and Observations

I will now observe 3 different experiences in 3 countries I visited: Rome, New York and Israel.

Rome:  I was at Rome , the Eternal City, and I was considering all these things in preparation of the Full Moon Energy.  I was wondering what experiences I would have in Rome and what lessons I would be taught.  I also thought it would be great to bring something home but I did not know what. At the Coliseum I picked up a simple pebble from the ground to capture the energy of the land. I loved my tour guide and the energy of the Coliseum. 

VATICAN KEEPERElena at VaticanAfter the tour in the Vatican our guide ended our tour at the Vatican Shop: Domus Artis, where we were told the the Pope had blessed the contents in the shop.  I was served by a wonderful lady called Elena and got some Catholic artefacts and 18K gold necklace.  I met another lovely lady whose family has been working at the Vatican shop for years.  I took a picture with her with the picture of her family between us.   The Solstice is a time of cycles that goes back many generations and moons. I saw and felt the old tradition of Italian dedication, respect, family tradition, honour and loyalty in her.  This was such a wonderful experience for me. She has a full life with a great family tradition.  She has children, grandchildren and years of working in the same organisation.  She was secure and happy. 

New York: I arrived at the airport dressed in very soft black leather trousers and jacket, wheeling a Samsonite suitcase, not realising that was a case that was considered suspicious at airports.  As the tall security man opened my suitcase all my new fresh sexy underwear fell out!  I smiled in the most feminine way I knew how feeling very embarrassed.  After doing something to the case he let me into New York.  Obviously there was nothing suspicious in the suitcase even if he thought there was. Even if I looked like a gangster I obviously was not.  That was my first experience entering New York years ago. Judgement had been made and I was searched. Fact.

ISt Pauls & St Peters Daysrael:  A few years ago when I was leaving Israel I was stopped by a man with a gun at the airport and escorted into a little room.  When searched they were surprised to see Tarot Cards, Angel Cards, Crystals and Jewish religious artefacts such as the 7 candle Menorah, used in the ancient Tabernacle in the desert and Temples of Jerusalem.  As I stood there I thought with a smile on my face, I should have got the 9 candle Menorah used for the Jewish holiday of Hanukah. 

While the young angry Jewish man held a gun to scare me, I was not, I was suddenly very calm and centred – my inner core was a peace, yet strong and defiant as I looked at the young gentleman holding the gun.  I calmly told him that he should really be searching others and not me.  As I said that the whole airport set up an alarm as someone has triggered it.  He looked at me with anger and held his gun up and went away to do something. Sometimes I really enjoy being right.

One of the girls apologised to me as she went through my suitcase, and stopped when she realised I was working with the Evil Eye and I was an Energy Worker.  She said something in her language to the others around her. She apologised again.  When I was allowed on the plane someone ran up to me to apologise and ask for forgiveness for the way I was treated. 

When I shared my experience with my mother in London she was angry with me saying I could have been put into a prison and never found.  I said I was confident I was going to get back to London –Gay Pride in Rome after all I have a lot of nice Jewish friends in London and the God of Israel would protect me.

How you behave:  People behave the best way they can and they can drive you mad.  How you choose to behave with them is your choice. The choice, as always, is yours – How do you choose to behave at the moment – in that Energy of Now – at the crucial moment? 

Sitting in my flat in London today I reflect on that moment in Israel, and I know the Silence in my Mind was uncluttered and unattached.  It was FREE and in a state of BEing at peace and centred in my own spiritual power and spiritual life force. In the non-movement of my mind – I was dynamic, still and silent.  I was centred and grounded to all of Cosmic Energy.  I just felt a spiralling circle of light around me.  I was no longer thinking.  I was in no time.  There was no controller, no judgement and no worry.  I was silent in my presence and being.  I stayed in the Energy of Now and I was safe.  I had a healthy mind and a holy mind.  I believe that because I was connect to Source I was protected and held self in a potentially dangerous incident. Amen. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

What will we cover at the Alchemical Moon Gathering?

We will cover a lot of what I mention above and more:

  1. Emotions:  Resolving inner, conflicting emotions. amethyst
  2. Judgements: Being mindful of justifications and judgements – not getting caught up in them.
  3. Who: Focusing on who you are becoming rather than who you are.
  4. Changes:  Honouring the changes that you have made in your life.
  5. Learning:  Learning to look at things in a different way.
  6. Doing: Do something that makes you happy and celebrates your life.
  7. Bold:  Being bold – taking decisive action(s), making bold statements.
  8. Expansion: Expanding your life in order to invite in more abundance, prosperity, longevity and happiness.
  9. Money: Working on your relationship with Money.
  10. Cycle: How the cycle of life influences you: Summer Solstice is a Solar Cycle, Full Moon is a Lunar Moon Cycle.

We will be Asking….

  1. green calcfiteEmotions: What have you been emotional about lately?
  2. Change:  What have you been wanting to change and suddenly did it?
  3. Expression: What have you openly talked about that made you feel unhappy?
  4. Fulfilled:  What have you fulfilled in your mind, body and spirit with this Full Moon?
  5. Restless:  What are you restless about? Where do you feel unsettled?
  6. Celebrating: What are you celebrating this Full Moon?
  7. Karma:  What karmic clearing have you noticed? How has your Karma improved? What blessings? What accomplishments? What emotions? What feelings?

What to Bring….

  1. Yourself
  2. An open mind.
  3. A symbolic sacred object to add to the circle e.g. a piece of rock from a sacred Mother Earth such as from Greece or Egypt; a rosary from the Vatican.
  4. Some refreshments to share.


Energy of Now News

Here is some news that is current:

  1. Rick Ashley is number one with his song: Angels in my Eyes.  I love the words of his song: I got angels by my side…. I can see them…… Everything will be alright. 
  2. Jo Cox MP stabbed, shot and killed by 52 year old man, was buried 18 June.  Her only sister said the family are broken by death but they will keep her memory alive as she was perfect.
  3. Tim Peaks, one of the 3 astronauts landed safely on 18 June.  Time for the researchers to look at the gathered information brought down with them.
  4. EU Referendum Do we stay or leave the EU?

Invocation Blessing

Invocation Blessing: I send this Innovation Blessing from my heart to your heart. I am sending 1000 Lotuses Flowers from deep within Mother Earth to radiate peace to You, Mother Earth and the Cosmic Universe.  May your heart bloom a thousand Lotus Flowers with Love, Light and Joy.

Remember you can read the Invocation Blessing aloud and silently.

The number 2 is significant – sun/moon, twins, Sagittarius/Gemini, light/dark, male/female.  Each picture carries a powerful vortex and healing energy, blessing you and the world. Amen.

healing vortex

Invocation Blessing

Seasonal Blue Moon, Full Moon in Sagittarius & Sun in Gemini, Summer Solstice  on 20 June 2016

Channelled by Toks Beverley Coker

Gift of Friendship

I Greet You

With a Thousand Lotus Flowers

Blossoming 144,000 Lotus Flowers

Radiating Peace to You, Mother Earth and Cosmic Universe

I Greet You

Toks Coker Kim Bolsover Suryah Magda Ray

I Greet You

With the Magic Wand of Life

Magically Celebrating Your Life

Your Tribulations, Challenges, Triumphs & Victories

I Greet You

leVelvet Owner&Toks

I Greet You

With a Healthy Mind

Anchoring In Your Daily Pursuits

A Holy Mind, a Happy Mind, a Whole Mind

I Greet You

Toks Coker and Harriet Hale

I Greet You

With the Solstice Blue Full Moon in Sagittarius

Celebrating Your Actions OF Success and Actions TO Success

Enabling Results Truths & Commitment to Happiness

I Greet You

Toks Coker & Angela Spink

I Greet You

With the Flaming Energy of Fire (Sagittarius)

Dancing with the Liberating Energy of Air (Gemini)

Blossoming Solstice Blue Full Moon Healing Love Vortex

I Greet You

Toks Coker and Jackie Tweedie

I Greet You

With the Amazing Portal of Light

Alighting the Pillars of Earth

Manifesting Your Money Labyrinth Grid of Abundance

I Greet You

Rachel Elnaugh and Toks Coker

I Greet You

With the Healing Energies of Fire and Air

Spiralling a Living Vortex of Prosperity

Creating a Great Life Legacy of Magnificence

I Greet You

Prosperity with Rachel

I Greet You

With Collective Abundance

Standing in the Labyrinth of Your Mind

Connecting You to Divine Fruitfulness Prosperity

I Greet You

turquoise energy

I Greet You

With the Flaming Emerald Ray

Merging in Greatness Blossoming Grandeur

With the Compassionate Violet Light

I Greet You

Full Moon

I Greet You

With Great Sprit

Moved by Great Visual Art of the Soul

Emerging Balanced: Back Home to Centre

I Greet You

Happiness is You

I Greet You

With Your Karmic Clearing

In Your Cycle of Life: Solstice Solar & Moon Lunar

Cleaning Movements Transforming Karma

I Greet You

Tourquoise Blue

I Greet You

With the Wisdom of Knowing & Expansion

The Potency of Powerful Discernment

Untangling the Chaos & Confusion.  Resulting in Clear Great Results

I Greet You

Darshana Ubl

I Greet You

With Divine Great Focus and Connection

Filled with Optimistic Connective Energy

Constantly Manifesting a Successful Legacy

I Greet You

Marcus Ubl and Toks Coker

I Greet You

With Your Valuable Silence

Knowing When to Talk and When to be Silent

Eternally Empowering Multi-Dimensional Silences

I Greet You

Marcus Ubl Toks Coker Tony Jeton Selimi Verve Rally

I Greet You

With the Magical Perfection of Being

Bringing You Back to Your Centre of Power

Collectively Standing Strong Pouring Gifts to the World

I Greet You

Joel Van der Molen and Giorgia Andriani

I Greet You

With the Full Moon and the Solstice Sun

Taking Time to Yourself Now in this Gathering of Transformation

Sun and Moon Radiating Excellence from Deep Within You

I Greet You

Giorgia Andriani and Toks Coker

I Greet You

With My Incarnate Soul

Greeting Your Incarnate Soul

Hearts Pulsing as One: Peace on Earth

I Greet You

Toks Coker

I Greet You

I Greet You

I Greet You

Channelled by Toks Beverley Coker


    Message from Toks Coker

    Toks CokerHello my friends,  I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Drop me a line and let me know how you found it. Below I share information about more of my work.  Thank you for taking the time to read it and clicking on the links. Thank you for sharing it too.  Cheers Toks xx

    Join my Mailing List & receive your FREE GIFT which comes with a Blessing for you for each of your Chakras. This has some valuable information shared over 8 days – one charka a day.  Click on 7 Days 7 Chakras.

    eBookshttps://tokscoker.wordpress.com/ebooks/ 7 Days 7 Chakras eBook

    Recordings: https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/free-recordings/

    Twitter:  https://twitter.com/ToksCoker

    Blog:  You can follow me and LIKE my blog too. To do so just Scroll up to the top on your right.


  1. Sacred Dance  https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/the-sacred-dance/

  2. Story of Hands of Light https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/the-story-of-hands-of-light/

  3. Work I Do  https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/

  4. Moon Meditation https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/the-moon-meditation/

  5. Working with Crystals  https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/working-with-crystals/

  6. I have posted 4 short one minute videos on YouTube. They are: Time Between Eclipses,Impossible Moments, the Colour Red, Numerology Workshops.

      happy flowers
      Teaching and Group Work

      Every New Moon and Full Moon I teach, invoke and share knowledge gained with the you and the world. Click on this link to find all the dates and put them in your diary:https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/diary-dates/

      The Gathering of People who come to my meditation, classes and workshops are supportive, warm and real.  There are many Benefits of Meditation.  Click here to read more: Harvard Neuroscientist on Meditation

      I give free Distant Healing / Remote Viewing on the day of the New Moon and Full Moon to those who ask. Put all your HEALING REQUESTS on my Hands of Light Healing Fan Page.  You can leave a comment there anytime you want; and you can post under the healing posts your feelings and thoughts.  All posts should be respectful, and loving to everyone reading the healing page.  Thank you for your kind consideration and for LIKING  http://www.facebook.com/handsoflighthealing.

      As a qualified teacher and practitioner I teach Indian Head Massage, Crystal Healing, Spiritual Healing and Happiness.  I teach EFT, Positive EFT, and Emotrance.  I will be teaching some aspects of the Tao philosophy, Fusion of the Five Elements: Forming the Pakuas and Pearl, Cosmic Fusion: Fusion of the Eight Forces, Fusion of the Eight Psychic Channels: Opening and Sealing Psychics Channels. Iron Shirt Chi Kung 1: Rooting Cosmic Internal Energy, Cosmic Sounds: Sounds that Heal, Cosmic Inner Smile: Smiling Heals the Body, Tan Tien Chi Kung: Empty Force, Perineum Power and the Second Brain, Cosmic Orbit: Connect the Cosmos to Inner Orbit, Lesser Kan and Li: Enlightenment and Birth of the Immortal Fetus, Tao Yin and Healing Love.

      1:1 Alchemical Sessions

      I offer private and confidential 1:1 sessions that cover a variety of topics and life issues.  I do various types of intuitive spiritual readings and channelling in my work.  I am qualified in various modalities (e.g. Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Time Line Therapy, NLP, Healing Massage and more) so I am capable of serving with integrity and power.  Allow me to help you and support you.

      Donate to Charity: RNIB  I am raising funds for the blind. If you can, please donate to RNIB.THANK YOU


      Feel free to pass on my work, and share my posts.  If you use any of my work, or my pictures, please give me the credit due by referencing me and links. Thank you.


    With Celestial Blessings and Love Toks xxxxxxx

    © Toks Coker