Tag Archive | relationship

New Moon in Capricorn 10 January 2016

Happy New Moon in Capricorn

Happy Birthday Capricorn

Steps to Success

StarSunday 10 January StarNew Moon & Sun in Capricorn Star01:31 GMT (1.31am) London StarElement – Earth StarDetails HERE: Venue: Violet Hill Studios Star

9 DAYS  We are 9 days into the New Year.  Our minds have moved from one situation to another.  Our emotions have ranged from extreme emotions to no emotion.  Our feelings have been stretched to WOW feelings.  Our bodies have been fed and nourished to extremes.  Our hearts and souls have been activated to cope with the life in which we each find ourselves. 

12 MONTHS  There are 12 months in 2016 and each month will bring something wonderful for you. Climb the steps of your life to achieve a great 2016, to ride the waves and storms that come; knowing you are really living and loving, while being protected. 

New Moon with Toks Coker

PRACTICAL   Now we enter the New Moon in Capricorn.  A time for looking at practical aspects of life.  A time to look at our money issues and situation. A practical realistic thing to do is to set goals and have goals.  If  you do not like the word – goal – then replace it with any of the following words that resonate with you: vision, intension, desire, wish, hope or mission or whatever word feels right for you. The choice, as always, is yours. 

BEATEN  New Moon in Capricorn says let us look at where we have been beaten and let us rise up determined and strong to succeed.  We can do this be turning our focus on what we would like to manifest in our practical reality.  Refusing to be defeated or beaten we rise and we rise and we rise. The need to look at all aspects of your life is important.

RELATIONSHIP  The longing for a loving relationship is also a big steering with this New Moon.  Really look at your relationships: are they caring and supportive of where you want to go? Capricorn calls in your reflection on a deep level. Capricorn wants to be loved in a stable AND secure way.

POSITIVE  I love Capricorn sense of reason, purpose, culture and tradition.  I love the sense of duty and achievement it brings with it.  The Goat never gives up.  Slowly, easily focused and determined, the Goat climbs up the hill or mountain, and gets to the top.  Like the story of the Tortoise and the Hare, the Goat, like the Tortoise, wins the Hare in the race. You do not expect the slow Tortoise to win the fast Hare, and it happens. This is a story of being slow and stead to achieve your goals.  Making sure your roots are secure and strong and deeply rooted.  It is having a sound foundation for one’s life. Do you have a sound foundation for your life?

healing the desert of your life and in your lifeDESERTS  How do we know what work we need on ourselves?  Looking at the deserts in your life and the deserts of your life, is so important to understanding where work has to be done on yourself.  I know many methods to help your nourish your life in many ways.  Coming to the Moon Gatherings is one way of nourishing your life. Some deserts can be nurtured and some cannot.  Knowing the difference is crucial to healing yourself or the situation.

INNER WORK  There is a lot of inner transformation and inner change happening that is not easy to explain or understand with this New Year energy.  There is also a lot of knowing and a not-knowing where we are going.  What I am noticing is a deep knowing that you are going to get there and achieve something wonderful this New Year 2016.  We may not know how we will achieve our greatness but we will.  This is what the New Moon in Capricorn is about – achieving our greatness.

helloFRUITFUL  For me all these challenges come to make fruitful times and all the challenges are flowing to create fruitful growth, fruitful value, fruitful creativity and fruitful transformation and transition. It is as if the challenges are testing us and forcing us to reflect, re-examine ourselves, look at our reality and look at the way we live and communicate and interact with others.  Looking at the unpleasant aspects of you is not funny or easy.  It is a challenge worthy of undertaking.  In the undertaking of the challenge is the underlining victory and expansion of your True Alchemical Self.

9_thumb19 NINE   2016 is a Nine Year. (2+0+1+6=9).  I will be holding a 9:9:9 workshop on 9 September from 7pm-10pm at Violet Hill Studios.  Put that in your diary.  2016, a 9 Year, is also the Year of the Monkey, whose number is 9.  I will be posting more on this soon.  Also 2016 is a year of expansion and innovation and seeing a bigger picture and looking at things in a different way.  9 is about cosmic expansion and opening yourself out to a more cosmic expansion and perspective. Are you ready for this?  Let us find new ways to expand our lives. 

PORTAL ENTRY  In our New Year Opening and Entry Portal we all experienced such joy and exuberance and we were told that the first 3 days would be very important, as would be the next 7 days.  As we are led with grace to the New Moon in Capricorn on 10 January what have you noticed in your life in the past few days before this New Moon?  That has been positive and empowering?  You can read more about the Portal, New Year Invocation, Testimonials, etc. by clicking here: New Year Portal.

Turn your backLETTING GO   What is it that stops us letting go and turning our back on pain and suffering?  What is it that makes us want to hold on to all this negative pain and suffering?  Considering we are older, and a lot of bad things happened in the past, and when we are young, why is it so difficult, (with all our age, wisdom, knowledge and learning) to release all this pain?  We keep doing the workshop, doing our homework and reading all the right books and still we are in toxic relationships, toxic work experiences and live in a toxic environment.  Whys is this so saying goodbyedifficult for us?  Do we just like to stand and watch ourselves as we live in the suffering and pain?  Do we enjoy this continuous confusion?  Is this what makes live move round and round? Is this negative repetitive treadmill your life?  Without pain would we know the power of happiness?  Sometimes saying Goodbye is the best thing to do.  What are you saying Goodbye to?  What have you said Goodbye to? What do you need to say Goodbye to?

REFLECT  The New Moon in Capricorn asks us to reflect on our life and look at what we have let go of in the past year and what we are embracing now.  What new things have you experienced this New Year?  What new gifts have you received that you did not expect to receive?  How have your interactions changed this New Year?  What precision have you noticed?  What confidence have you developed this year – in the past 9 days?  Welcome to the Magic of Capricorn and the lovely sliver crescent of the New Moon.  It really IS a good time to make the effort to go out of your comfort zone and do something magical like attend a Sacred Alchemical Moon Gathering. Everything start with one step at a time.  One step in front and then the other step.  How are you going to step boldly living your life?

blessings of love

Invocation Blessing for the New Moon in Capricorn

channelled by Toks Beverley Coker


We Greet You

With Your Seeding a New Beginning

New Moon in Capricorn

Serious and Steady

We Greet You

u cannot c me

We Greet You

With Your Responsibilities

Helping You to Stand Strong

In the Stages of Your Life

We Greet  You


We Greet You

With the Wonder of You

Welcoming Your Newness

In the Defined Preciousness of You

We Greet You

New Moon

We Greet You

With the Wisdom of Capricorn

Remembering Rearranging Reflecting

Reviewing Recharging Renewing

We Greet You

Happy New Year January 2016

We Greet You

With the Joy of Colour

Healing Your Past: Releasing Your Burdon

Liberating Mind Body Spirit on Earth

We Greet You

peek a boo

We Greet You

With the Gift of Magical Happy Surprises

Full of Healing Laughter and Joy

Echoing Sounds of Crystals Bliss

We Greet You


We Greet You

With Your Inner Resolve

Anointing Your 9 Mind in Your 9 Year

Opening Great Focus and Determination

We Greet You

fossilsed wood

We Greet You

With Blessings from Mother Earth

Your Inner Wealth through Inner Resource

Your Inner Stability through Inner Research

We Greet You

new year present

We Greet Yu

With Great Gratitude

Deep Within Your Being

For all Your Gifts Received: THANK YOU

We Greet You


We Greet You

With Your Letting Go’s

Your Talking and Not Talking

Your Good Byes and Your Forgiveness’s

We Greet You

presents of love

We Greet You

With Your Specific Gifts

Allowing Them to Take Seed: Seeding Seeding Seeding

Nurturing Them with Care and Precision

We Greet You

glowing light

We Greet You

With the Sacred Power of Love

Empowering Your Life

Improving Your Essence

We Greet You


We Greet You

With Your Grounding Energy

Spinning Down to Ground You

Anchoring You in Your Power

We Greet  You

Eva Young Pictures

We Greet You

With the 2016 Moon Portals

Illuminating Your Potential

Finding and Living Your Amazing Life

We Greet You

healing with Toks

We Greet You

With the Empire of Healing Love

Nourishing Your Soul Goddess/God Power

Creating Healing Living Hearts of Joy

We Greet You

blessings of love

We Greet You

With the Blessings of Love

Cosmic Healing Pouring Down on You

Divine Magnet of Healing Love

We Greet You

We Greet You from Nigeria & Japan

We Greet You

We Greet You 

We Greet You

Channelled by Toks Beverley Coker for the New Moon in Capricorn 10 Jan 2016

relax in your busy schedule

Remember to relax as you journey through your busy schedule. Read a book, book a holiday, listen to music, go to the gym, dance, garden, have a massage, etc. Remember to take time out for yourself to heal your mind, body and spirit.  Remember you are a Divine Being of Light, worthy of respect and worthy of love.   Remember you are loved and you are precious too.  You are the treasure you are looking for.  Everything you want is inside of you.  Just take a look deep inside of you and you will find it.  Better still attend one of Toks Alchemical Moon Gatherings to help you.  Always a benefit and an inspiration. Legion of Light Patric

AFFIRMATION:  I am a Highly Effective Person

BOOK: 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Covey

  1. Be Proactive: Take responsibility for your own life.
  2. Begin with the end in mind: Have a Goal.
  3. Put first things first: Prioritise
  4. Think win win or no deal.
  5. Understand: Seek first to understand and then to be understood. Empathy. Communicate.
  6. Synergy: The whole is greater than some of its part. Team work. Creative co-operation.
  7. Self-renewal: Sharpen the saw: self-maintenance.
  8. Distinctive: Find your own distinctive voice and encourage others to find theirs.

clear quartz

Radio Show on 26 January

Listen to my radio interview with Sara Troy on January 26 Click for details: Energy of Now

Services Toks Coker

Toks Coker

Hello my friends,  I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Drop me a line and let me know how you found it. Below I share information about more of my work.  Thank you for taking the time to read it and clicking on the links. Thank you for sharing it too.  Cheers Toks xxx

thank you xx

Join my Mailing List

Join my mailing list & receive your FREE GIFT which comes with a Blessing for you for each of your Chakras. This has some valuable information shared over 8 days – one charka a day.  Click on 7 Days 7 Chakras.


We have a few eBooks out this year. Check them out on https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/ebooks/

7 Days 7 Chakras eBook

You can buy this wonderful interactive eBook on http://www.tokscoker.com/


Check out some recordings on https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/free-recordings/


Fill your life up with wonderful insights, learning and healing with Toks xxx

  1. Sacred Dance   https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/the-sacred-dance/

  2. Story of Hands of Light  https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/the-story-of-hands-of-light/

  3. Work I Do   https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/

  4. Moon Meditation https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/the-moon-meditation/

  5. Working with Crystals   https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/working-with-crystals/

Sacred Coaching Meditation

Workshops with Toks

Sacred Coaching Meditation Workshops  Every two weeks I hold a healing group on the day of the Full Moon and the New Moon.

This is a wonderful way to take time out to relax from your stressful life.  Give yourself a gift that empowers and supports you in a wholesome way.

Click on this link to find all the dates and put them in your diary: https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/diary-dates/

There are many Benefits of Meditation.  Click here to read more: Harvard Neuroscientist on Meditation

1:1 Sessionsreadings

Readings  Did you know you can book private 1:1 reading sessions with me?  Book a 1:1 private Wisdom Life Reading and have your questions answered with some healing thrown in during the reading.

Distant Healing You can book private distant healing for yourself. You can send a picture if you want. Contact me to organise.

Life / Spiritual / Intuitive Coaching  Book 1:1 private coaching sessions.

20% Discount   This Special Offer is for 10 hours of precious time with me. 20% discount means you pay £1,200 upfront for 10 hours of time with me, instead of £1,500, saving you £300.  The sessions can by over the phone, Skype or at the centre in London.  I look forward to looking after you and your loved ones.  You can choose from a number of different therapies.  Working with the energy of privacy and confidentiality, I offer various healing practices and tools, that enatoksble aGroundingnd empower you.  Here are some of them.

Relationship Coaching
Spiritual Life Coaching
Business Coaching
Time Line Therapy
Wisdom Readings
Intuitive Readings
Healing Massage
Spiritual Healing
Crystal Healing
Angel Readings
Tarot Readings
Angel Healing
Positive EFT

Cleaning & Improving your Energy of Money

FREE Healing Requests

Put all your HEALING REQUESTS on my Hands of Light Healing Fan Page.

You can leave a comment there anytime you want; and you can post under the healing posts your feelings and thoughts.  All posts should be respectful, and loving to everyone reading the healing page.  Thank you for your kind consideration and care to all.

Thank You for LIKING http://www.facebook.com/handsoflighthealing.

thank you

Donate to Charity: RNIB

I am raising funds for the blind. If you can, please donate £1 or more to RNIB. THANK YOU


Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ToksCoker


You can follow me and LIKE my blog too. To do so just Scroll up to the top on your right.


Feel free to pass on my work, and share my posts.  If you use any of my work, or my pictures, please give me the credit due by referencing me and links. Thank you.

With Celestial Blessings and Love Toks xxxxxxx
© Toks Coker

Radio Show on 26 January

Listen to my radio interview with Sara Troy on January 26 Click for details: Energy of Now