Tag Archive | 2015

New Year Portal Entry 31 December 2015

Hello Legions of Light

HAPPY 2016

Wishing You a Happy New Year Entry Portal into 2016

and a Very Very Happy New Year 2016

Welcome to the

NEW YEAR ENTRY PORTAL GATHERING 31 Dec at 10pm Lovely Gathering  and Invocation below


WELCOME to your Future. Are you wanting to enter the New Year surrounded by people who want to do so peacefully and in a sacred way? Well, I am holding a New Year Entry Portal Gathering on 31 December 2015 from 10:00pm to 01:00am on 1 January 2016.  Arrive at 10pm for a 10:30pm start.  Join me in holding a Powerful New Year Entry Portal for 2016.  Full details are below.

When you journey through the Portal of Light leaving 2015 behind and walking into 2016 you create a wonderful feeling of confidence and joy.


When The New Year Arrives, It Brings New Hopes, New Plans, New Efforts, New Feelings, New Commitments, New Responsibility, New Ideas, New Aims, New Dreams which produce New Achievements, New Inspiration, New Strength, New Abundance, New Creativity, New Wealth, New Wisdom, New Beginnings, New Foundations, New Growth, New Success, New Energy, New Confidence, New Happiness, New Completions, New Insights and New Newness. YOU open Your Life and Heart to receive Everything Waiting for You, for us to Make Your Life Better.

This is what the New Year Portal Gathering does for You. It opens You to Receive, to Engage, to Love and to Give. Would be great to see you there.

Wishing you a Great, Blissful, Healthy, Bright, Delightful, Energetic, Prosperous and extremely Happy New Year 2016


new year portal 2016



    A Gathering of Empowerment.  A Gathering of Knowing.  A Gathering of Value.  A Gathering of Life. A Gathering to Bring Light into the Darkest Hours of Your Soul.  A Gathering to Heal.  A Gathering to Fly.  A Gathering of Now.  A Gathering of Yourself.  A Gathering of Your Experiences.  A Gathering of Your Lessons.  A Gathering of Ritual and Ceremony.  A Gathering for Ritual and Ceremony. 


    The Ceremony will begin at 10pm on Thursday 31st December 2015 and it will finish at 1am on Friday 1st January 2016.


    Please bring with you a NEW YEAR PRESENT to gift one person. We will then close our eyes and start the New Year with a present from Spirit.  I am asking everyone to bring a New Year gift (worth £5-10) to give away.  We will each Gift a Present. We will each Receive a Present.


    Please bring something to share – offering of food and drinks (food with no pork please). We will bring delicious food to share together, after having offered it to the Sacred Altar.


    Please wear white – You can change when you get to my flat. White is a spiritual colour of power and light.


  • We will create a Powerful Portal so that we will walk out of 2015 empowered and ready to face the wonderful unknown of 2016.

  • We will choose to celebrate with Sacred Ritual, Prayer and Invocation Blessings. It will be both a collective and individual experience.

  • We will ignite a powerful vortex of healing that will leave you happy and connected, to yourself and to each other.

  • It will be a real joyful experience of presence to treasure for everyone that is present.

  • We will Call in Our Power and Claim It.

  • We will each Gift a Present.

  • We will each Receive a Present.

  • We will have a great time together as we celebrate our individual and collective transitioning into 2016.

  • We will sing, dance, laugh, hug and heal ourselves and each other!

  • We will leave empowered, confident, strong and focused ready for 2016.


I will be Channelling and bringing down the precise energy for 2016 for each person present….and much more…


I am doing the New Year Entry Portal Ceremony 31 Dec 2015 at 10pm to raise money for the Royal National Institute of Blind People, (RNIB), because they do such great work helping people.  In order to attend, please make a generous donation to the Royal National Institute of the Blind as I would like to raise money for them through this gathering. THANK YOU in advance for DONATING to RNIB by clicking on this link: DONATE WITH JOY  Pay CASH at the door and I will put the money into RNIB on your behalf.  Thank you. Please feel free to donate even if you cannot physically be there! THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY AND KINDNESS.


Flat 5, 1 Alexandra Place, London NW8 0DY.  Please let me know if you are coming.  Thank you. xxx


To read one of my Blessings from a previous Year, click here: 2014/2015 MOON PORTAL

THANKING YOU in advance for DONATING to RNIB by clicking on this link:  DONATE WITH JOY



On Sunday 10 January we enter the New Year with a New Moon.  I will be holding the New Moon meditation from 7pm.  We will be celebrating the New Year and the Entry Portal that opened up which will be very very potent.  See you there! Book HERE

FREE Download 2016 Calendar to print and use

 2016 CALENDAR        

FREE Download 2016 Spiritual Alchemy Moon Dates


Love Always

Toks xxxxx



We had a powerful gathering full of release, power, joy, laughter, sharing and amazing exercises that cleared, protected and empowered. The testimonials below say it all.  Enjoy the Invocation below.


     Turkey Magical BlessingsTurkey New Year Portal 

I was invited by Merve Tufekci to read my freshly channelled Invocation Blessing before Turkey entered the 2016 New Year.  It was a wonderful honour and privilege to be in the presence of the fabulous beautiful powerful and female gathering with Merve Tufekci.  Thank you Merve for this wonderful opportunity to serve you, your clients, students and friends.  To find out more about Merve please click her link: Merve

     Merve smiling and Toksadding value to lives


for the New Year Entry Portal 2015-2016

hello everyone

We Greet You

With the New Year 2016

Portal Opening and Entry

Celebrating with Ceremonial Ritual

We Greet You

new year singing

We Greet You

With Your Portal Gathering

Gathering Momentum

Awaiting this Auspicious Opening

We Greet You

dog fox wolf

We Greet You

With the Knock on the Portal Door

Ready We Are

To Walk Through to the Portal Tunnel

We Greet You

We Greet You

We Greet You

With the Portal Opening

Ready to Receive Us

Flying Floating Through

We Greet You


We Greet You

At the Midnight Hour

Channelling Sirius, the New Year Star, High Above Earth

Ritual Receiving of the New Year

We Greet You

be protected

We Greet You

With the Portal Entrance of 2016

Walking in with Confidence

Knowing We are Protected

We Greet You

great men

We Greet You

With Orion’s Belt Pointing to Sirius

Marking the Point of Moving Forward

Bringing the Force to Us

We Greet You


We Greet You

With Sirius, the Dog Star

Sacred Star of Isis and New Year Star

Sirius, meaning Sparkling or Scorching

We Greet You

happy happy happy

We Greet You

With the Blessings of the New Year 2016

Anointment from Sirius

Sparkling Radiance to You

We Greet You

hugging talking

We Greet You

With the Diamond Radiance of Sirius

Our Sparkling Celestial Star

Marking Each of Us: an Earthly Sparkling Diamond

We Greet You

deep meditation

We Greet You

With Earthly Sparkling Diamond

Radiating Your Brilliance

Your Brilliant Presence

We Greet You

brothre and sister

We Greet You

With Your Powerful Vortex of Celestial Light

Anchoring in Your Anointment

Your Gifts and Blessings

We Greet You

receiving your gifting

We Greet You

With the Sacred Pyramids

Isis (Sirius) Osiris (Orion) Horus (Sun)

Tipple Energy Vortex

We Greet You

Merve New Year Portal

We Greet You

With the Sirius Star of Immortality

Calling Forth the Golden Perfection of You

The Golden Ratio Transforming Your Life

We Greet You

Turkish New Year Portal

We Greet You

With the Eternal Love of Life

The Perfection of 2016 for You

Activating Your Wisdom

We Greet You

connecting to divine

We Greet You

With the Proof of Success

Manifesting in Your Life

Holding the Code of Perfection

We Greet You

on our golden ship

We Greet You

With the Streaming Light Codes of Sirius

The Streaming Light Codes of the North Star

The Streaming Light Codes of the Divine

We Greet You

happy new year

We Greet You

We Greet You

We Greet You

Channelled by Toks Coker for the New Year 2016 Portal Opening and Entry Ceremony and Ritual 31 December 2015

Some Testimonials on the New Year Opening & Entry

What was the energy like before the New Year Entry – 31 December 2016?

  1. I liked the questionnaire at the start.  The meditation was the best. 
  2. Liberating.  Much healing took place.  It was a diverse experience full of love, strength and strong energy. GUITAR PLAYING
  3. I loved that I was able to enter 2016 in this way.
  4. It was wonderful energy.
  5. Very beautiful and true.
  6. Amazing. Liked the four directions and fire exercise.

What was it like in the New Year Entry Tunnel – transition tunnel to 2016?

  1. It was interesting, safe and warm.
  2. This was very strong. 
  3. Wonderful.
  4. Realisations.
  5. Very heart warming and heart opening.
  6. I had to think a lot through the meditation and be aware of everything.
  7. Balancing my masculine and feminine energies. 

What was it like entering into the New Year  – in 2016?  SLEEPING

  1. Love, warm, safe.
  2. I felt like I had just crossed over and went into a lucid state. 
  3. Solidifying my power.  I found it and claimed it.
  4. Refreshing.
  5. Enlightening and enlivening.  Expansive and powerful in a gentle way.  Life Affirming and wholesome.  Grounding in a higher order of truth.
  6. Loved the I SEE YOU exercise.

What moved you?

  1. Joy, vision of the future – the 3 minutes film – beautiful.
  2. The entire experience was moving.  I experienced a feeling of safety and letting go.
  3. Seeing that my Spirit Guides were waiting for me here and I felt a sense of home and compassionate power.  511
  4. Realising that my addictions do not rule me.
  5. Opening my heart.
  6. Peace. Wisdom.  Knowledge.
  7. You helped me figure some things out.  I was told that if I did a spiritual exercise I would get the answer.  I came here today and I figured things out.  I know the lady who is going to be my wife. I am going to ask her to marry me. This is my Queen.  This is 2016.
  8. The sharing of the food.

What are you taking away with you?

  1. Love and Confidence.
  2. Peace, giving up the fight.  Allow the unfolding!
  3. Peace. Self-Belief. Companionship.  Pure Hope.  Love.
  4. A recharged soul and a new sense of personal power and healing.
  5. Love and Light.
  6. My power. My dreams fulfilled for 2016m 2018 and beyond.  An open and receiving heart for all that is good.
  7. Peace.  Warm Heart.  Tranquillity.  Goals / Aims.  Hope.
  8. PRESENTS and GIFTING – the exchange of presents was very nice.  Everyone got the right present.  THANK YOU for the presents.  The fun in choosing the presents – moving the presents around – before the person chooses their present.  The fun everyone had in changing the position of the presents before the person choosing their present takes their present with their eyes closed. Receiving the first present with eyes closed.  Receive good energy in the presents.  Energising the presents so they are received with love and light and gratitude. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the presents. hello
  9. SYMBOLIC GIFTS:  SOUNDS OF HAPPINESS  Enjoying the sound of unwrapping presents and the oohs and laughter and joy at unveiling the presents. Words: Awesome.  Fabulous.  Do you know how good this is for you?  You can drink it, use it on your face, bath, etc.  Gifts of love.  A cleansing gift.  A healing gift.  A very high energy vortex energy.  This is so cool – a dream catcher.  A poem how wonderful.  An MP3 player – fantastic.  My children will make good use of this.  Mash mellow and chocolate – I love it – I am not sharing it.  Now I have permission to drink hot chocolate.  How does one use moisturising lotion? I am going to use the hand wash and moisturising lotion – Mandarin Tea Tree – this year fruit has to play a large part in my life.  An aloe vera plant – on my God that is wonderful – no way that is an aloe vera plant.  You can juice it, put it on your face. I am going to have herbal baths.  I love the incense sticks.  I am excited about the incense sticks – straight up Diwali for me.  Candles for light.  I wanted the Dream Catcher.  Bottle opener and belt in one – very handy.  I use it all the time and it is amazing.  Short breath biscuits – I may share this today.  Lots of layers in the presents.  Thank you for bringing me here.
  10. POEM by Nathan READ ALOUD to Group by Nathaniel:   Hello Big things are happening tonight. Now change back and the magic is not lost. I write this and do not know who you are. But I know what you are.  A BEING. You, just are.  You are an Exploding Vibration of the Atom split.  You are an eternal wave of Eternity. All sound too much?  OK I love you.
  11. hugsThe wonderful happy FIRST of everything in 2016.  The first present I receive in 2016.  The first hug I received in 2016.  The first song I sang in 2016.  The first live musical performance in 2016.  The first picture/s in 2016. The co-operation in taking the group pictures was very nice and happy full of laughter and happiness.  So much laughter in 2016.  Such great sounds of laughter.  First sound of fireworks in 2016. Lots of laughter in 2016.  Lots of sharing in 2016.  Lots of hugs in 2016.  Lots of learning in 2016.  Lots of questions answered in 2016. Loved the fact we took pictures during the sound of the 2016 Fireworks around 1am.  The Fireworks look like DIWALI. It is Diwali. The first time I brought in the New Year is such a lovely way.  The energy in the room is fabulous.  The first crystals bought in 2016.  The first crystals we enter the New Year 2016.  The prayer blessing hug for everyone. Lots of laughter and laughter and laughter.  Lots of smiles and smiling and smiling and smiling.  Holding hands in 2016.  ‘One of those.’
  12. Dancing to a cuddle.

joy peac loveToks is a beautiful warm Light.  She holds a safe healing space.  The best way to bring in the New Year, with so much love and wonderful people.  The first time I have ever brought in the year so strongly. Thank you.  Stephanie

Toks structured the Portal Entry really well.  She held the space and guided the session with a sincerity and undiluted connection with Hands of Light.  This was an experience i will never forget.  I’ve done many things on New Years Eve but this was by far the best.  Evan

The energy in the room is so good and so lovely.  Oh that is fabulous (present).  Happy New Year Everyone.  Next time I will book my taxi later.  I am going to miss the food and drinking, but I will be with you in Spirit. Kath

Because of this setting, comfort and meditation I am now able to be in a new being.  Thank you Toks this will not be forgotten.  It was so dope.  Tish x

smilesDelivery is perfect.  Setting is brilliant.  I just want to see you in lights.  Having attended my first event with Toks / Hands of Light I found her to be full of love and light.  I found her to be full of love and light. Her knowledge is vast and she is A MUST for anyone journeying through spiritual. Vishal

This is the best New Year’s Eve I have ever experienced.  it was so beautiful, healthy and wholesome, heart warming and heart opening.  We were gently propelled into a dream fulfilled 2016 and beyond!  Yanni

The workshop was amazing.  Enjoyed it all round. If you need answers and solutions to issue in reality the workshop will assist you in your path.  I recommend it without any hesitation. Nish

Toks, Thanks to you: for your space time offered to us. The exchange has been fruitful.  If naught else, the setting of goals ahead of this year has tremendously confused me – brilliant! I’ve had to really think about this for a while.. for maybe 7 days… "The real question to be asking is what causes peace? We know what causes war: indifference. However, what causes Peace, and Her birth: that is a progressive conversation worth having."   Peace and blessings to both you and Patrick. And a Happy New Year, Regards, Nathaniel COLQUHOUN-BUTLER (email received 7 Jan 2016)

We meet again at the:

New Year Portal Door Opening and Entry into 2017 and again in 2018.


Thank YouTHANK YOU for your donation at the NEW YEAR ENTRY PORTAL 2016. I have put the £80 cash donated into RNIB.  Thank you Vishal Desour​l, Nishan, Tish SP Chhaya​, Nathaniel, Jo Manuel​ , Steph Yiangson and Evan Yiangson.  THANK YOU THANK YOU.  THANK YOU to everyone who donated directly to RNIB.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.   Yanni Konstantinopulos​, Catherine Jackson​, Lillian Ogbogoh​  and a generous anonymous donation from Katkin Drizzle​..  We raised £195  with this New Year Entry Portal.

WOW Thank you very much for your donation. Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated. It really means a lot to me as well as to Royal National Institute of Blind People. Thank you very much. May the year 2016 bring you abundance in many ways as this portal opens great opportunities for you. Amen. With Love Light & Joyful Gratitude Toks Beverley Coker xxxxxxxxxx

Please feel free to donate if you can. Click this link to donate  RNIB   THANK YOU XXX

Thank You

Thank you to Colin, Yanni and Patric for all your supportive work in 2015 xxx

New Moon Alchemy on 10 January

See you at the Alchemical Gathering 7pm-10pm.  Click for details: New Moon

Radio Show on 26 January

Listen to my radio interview with Sara Troy on January 26 Click for details: Energy of Now