Tag Archive | pyramids

Summer Solstice 21/6/2013

Joanna Kossak Summer Solstice Garland


On the Menu we  have:

  1. Summer Solstice & Super Moon
  2. Invocation Blessing for the Summer Solstice
  3. Scientific Reason of Summer Solstice
  4. Ancients
  5. Celebrations
  6. My View
  7. Homework

Summer Solstice & Super Moon

Did you see the Sunrise today? Did you feel the power of the Sun? Do you feel the power of the Sun? This Summer Solstice today, Friday 21 June 2013, is the Longest Day of the Year and the start of summer. It is followed by a SUPER MOON on Sunday 23 June when the moon will be closest to the Earth. This is a FULL MOON with the Moon in Capricorn & Sun in Cancer. A SUPER MOON is a time of many emotions and feelings, especially as the moon is very close to earth: so lots of emotions and tides.  For more details and to book, click here: http://fullmooncapricorn230613.eventbrite.com/#


 Summer Solstice Celebration of Nourishing Mother Earth

We Greet You

Happy Summer Solstice

Pagans and All Out There

Ancestors Here and Gone

We Greet You


We Greet You

Giving Thanks Celebrating Life

Celebrating Mother Nature

Celebrating Father Sky

We Greet You


We Greet You

Honouring the Four Elements

Earth Air Water Fire

Forever Grateful to You

We Greet You

 sunflower of life

We Greet You

Revering Mother Earth

Her Bounty Her Nourishment

Growing Crops Nurturing Us Feeding Us

We Greet You


We Greet You

Honouring Free Air

Breathing in Breathe of Life

Burning Incense to Purify

We Greet You


We Greet You

Powerful Water

Drinking Water & Quenching Our Thirst

Cooking with Water & Feed Our Plant Roots

We Greet You

 Fire giving Light

We Greet You

With the Gift of Fire

Cooking our Food

Giving Us Light and Warmth

We Greet You


We Greet You

Honouring & Calling Forth

The Spirit of the Trees & Nature

Asking They Honour Us Too

We Greet You


We Greet You

All Natural Things

Helping Mankind to Live

With Reverence Gratitude and Love

We Greet You

  Praying Dog Byson

We Greet You

Praying for Your Protection

Your Support

Your Understanding

We Greet You


Thanking and Welcoming:

The Energy of Earth

The Energy of Air

The Energy of Water

The Energy of Fire


Thanking and Welcoming:

The Energy of the Sun Dancing with Us

The Energy of the Earth Blessing Us

The Energy of All Living Things Loving Us

The Energy of Natural Cleansing & Protection

Summer Solstice Prayer

We Greet You

We Greet You

We Greet You

Happy Summer Solstice

We Greet You

We Greet You

We Greet You

Channelled by Toks Beverley Coker for the Summer Solstice 21/6/2013

Scientific Reason of Summer Solstice

When something happens in the North Pole the opposite happens in the South Pole. When the North Pole is tilted more towards the sun in the North Hemisphere it causes the Summer Solstice. When the South Pole is tilted away from the sun in the Southern Hemisphere it causes the Winter Solstice. Did you know that around the time of the Summer Solstice some places experience a midnight sun? They are Norway, Finland, Greenland, Alaska and other polar regions. http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/0/22956681


We all know the Great Pyramids were built so the sun could set precisely between two of the pyramids on the Summer Solstice; when viewed from the Sphinx. How marvellous is that. We see echoes in the Mayan times and Stonehenge here in UK. Many visit Stonehenge and Avebury on the Summer Solstice to witness the sun rising on the first morning of Summer. Stonehenge is an ancient stone circle in Wiltshre, where the Heel Stone and Slaughter Stone set outside the main circle align with the rising sun! http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/paganism/holydays/summersolstice.shtml


Do you celebrate the Summer Solstice?  Joanna Kossak Summer Solstice GarlandMany people like Joanna Kossak celebrate by making a Solstice Garland with best wishes woven in with each flower: personal, family, friends, elements, society, lineage, universe.  Does she not look beautiful? Thank you Joanna Kossak for sharing your gift and blessing and appreciation and reverence with us.  We receive the blessing with gratitude.

Others celebrate by going for a walk, walking on grass, have a picnic, dancing and meeting with friends.  Others stay solemn in prayer giving thanks and gratitude to Mother Earth.  Some offer prayers and acknowledge the four elements: fire, water, earth and air. It really is a time to honour the earth, the plants that grow and feed us, the sun that shines and gives us light, the farmers that REALLY grow healthy organic food.  We celebrate the natural things that give us food like plants and animals.  We celebrate and give thanks for the food, the  harvest and the planting and the growing of the seeds planted. 

My View

For me, if the ancient Egyptians thought it was important, then I think it is important. It is amazing looking at our planet history and taking the wonder and genius of the world around us; and seeing how it all unfolds, the seasons, the natural rhythm of life, the flow of the water tides influenced by the moon, the movement of mother earth around the sun and the season and equinoxes and solstice that occur.  It is still valid today and it makes mathematical and astronomy sense.  I agree with Jarita Holbrook, Cultural Astronomer at University of Arizona in Tucson: "Paying attention to the solstices is a way of teaching mathematics, celestial mechanics, and astronomy, culture, and history. It is also a pretty good party." The Summer Solstice is a celestial wonderment and a celestial mechanics!


  1. Why not do  something simple and significant today to honour and revere our Natural Earth Resources and Give thanks to Mother Earth and Father Sky? 
  2. If you do not know what to do; how about reading the above again and doing one of the mentioned things yourself. 

2013 Diary, Contact Details & Spiritual Investment

Venue & Spiritual Investment for SUNDAY 23 JUNE SUPER MOON Meditation: http://fullmooncapricorn230613-eorgf.eventbrite.com/#       Please bring something to share if you can e.g. salad, vegetarian, fruits. No pork please. Thank you.

FUTURE Crystal Meditation Workshop Dates: http://www.eventbrite.com/org/350851891?s=12540716   Please bring something to share if you can e.g. salad, vegetarian, fruits. No pork please. Thank you.

ALL 2013 Dates: https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/2013-dates-celebration-moon-workshops/Toks Coker 2013

Info on Meditation: http://www.tokscoker.com/moon_meditation.html

Info on New Moon Meditation: http://www.tokscoker.com/new_moon_meditation.html

Info on Full Moon Meditation: http://www.tokscoker.com/full_moon_meditation.html

See you at this meditation. Book your private and confidential 1:1 package sessions.

With Warm Regards And With Buckets Full of Love Light Laughter Prosperity Success Happiness Disciple Oneness Freedom to YOU; Love Toks xxxxxx

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