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New Moon in Libra 24 September 2014

To You, my Friends xxx

Hindu Gods

Cluster of Power

Autumn EquinoxLooking at the last few days we had the International Day of Peace on the 21 September, followed by the  AUTUMN EQUINOX on the 23 September; which was also the celebration of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pio_of_Pietrelcina

Wednesday 24 September 2014 is the New Moon & Sun in Libra at 07:14 BST London    Element Air    We will be holding the New Moon Circle Gathering from 7pm.  You can pay at the door or pay on line. For more details and address, click here:www.newmoonlibra2014.eventbrite.co.uk    

When an Equinox comes before a New Moon; we know that this New Moon in Libra on 24 September; is no ordinary New Moon.  This New Moon energy comes with a vortex of the Equinox to add to the energy of this vibration in your daily life.

Happy BirthdayHappy Happy Happy Happy Birthday Librans Birthday cake  Happy New Moon in Libra Star Happy New Year Red heart   Happy Navaratri  Red heart  Happy Relationships  Sun   RainbowHappy Protection with the Autumn EquinoxSmile

AIR IMG_3643We light the New Moon Candle and the flame of the New Moon Candle dances in the air.  We are in the element of Air with the New Moon in Libra.  Breathe in DEEPLY and feel the energy of the air create a river of flow within your body vortex.  Breathe out slowly and feel the river of flow within  your body vortex as you breathe out. 

VOICE: Throat Chakra  I am finding that the chakra being worked on with this energy is the Throat Chakra.  The past few days have had big energetic impact on many people’s Throat Chakra.  The vortex of the throat is a very deep vortex of sound and this is created with the vortex of air moving within the Throat Chakra. Have you felt like you are being strangled, belittled, and dis-empowered and then told it is your fault?  Have you found it difficult to speak your truth and found that you needed to and you had to and you did!   Even though the situation is not solved you have started in the right way – a new way of being – you have done the ‘impossible’ and spoken your truth.  Well done. 

apple and honey

Happy New Year

After this New Moon we have on 25 September, the Jewish NEW YEAR, Rosh Hashana, the day of the Sounding of the Shofar; the day God reviews and judges one’s deeds in the past year and frees them of their sins; and a time to look ahead with hope and a time to reflect on ones life (so very New Moon). They celebrate by eating challah bread to represent continuity of life, apples dipped in honey to represent sweetness and good health throughout the year; and pomegranates to represent abundance of goodness and happiness.  While you eat the honey and apple ask yourself:  What is sweetness in your life?  swimming, your sister smiling at you, living with my children? We will be meditating on this at our Moon gathering too. 

Happy Navaratri

Happy Navaratri

Also on the 25 September is the Hindu celebration of Navaratri (Shakti: Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati).  Navaratri is a festival of dance and worship over 9 days.  We will be working with all 3 Goddesses’. Below I have shared some facts with you and some websites for you to read more if you want.

  1. The first 3 days we dance and worship Durga who destroys all our vices, impurities and defects. She protects us from evils of the world, eliminating suffering.  Durga has 3 eyes – the left eye represents desire which is the moon, the right eye represent action which is the sun and the central eye represent knowledge which is fire. Durga has 8-10 hands; each holding significant weapons. Light bulb(i)The conch shell makes the sound with the air OM and connects her to God, (ii)the bow and (iii) arrow represent energy, (iv)the thunderbolt is firmness of spirit and determination; (v)the lotus represents continual blooming and growing in our spiritual lives, (vi) the discus which spins around her index finger destroys evil, (vii) the sword is the sword of knowledge, sharpness and truth, (viii) the trident is a symbol of 3 – activity, inactivity, non-activity – that removes all physical, mental and spiritual miseries.   The picture with the lion click here Durga with her sacred weapons and other meanings given to them.  https://www.indiacurrents.com/articles/2012/10/18/what-does-goddess-durga-symbolize.
  2. The next 3 days we dance and worship Lakshmi embodiment of beauty, charm, and grace.  She is the goddess of prosperity, material wealth, purity, generosity, giver of material and spiritual success and wealth. Lakshmi has 4 hands which represent dharma, karma, wealth and liberation.
  3. The last 3 days we dance and worship Saraswati, Goddess of wisdom; with 4 hands that represent  mind, intellect, alertness and ego. She holds Light bulb(i)a sacred scripture in one hand and (ii)a lotus, symbol of true knowledge in another. In her other hands she holds(iii) a musical instrument she plays music of love and life on a string instrument called a veena. She wears white, symbol of purity and rides on a white swan, another symbol of purity. You can see her picture here SaraswatiYou can read more on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navratri 

I just love all this positive energy around the world. To be alive.  To have direction.  To be loved.  To be love.  To make activity after seeding and reflection.  Wisdom – Your sacred scripture for your life.  A symbol  of true knowledge.  Music is air.  Protection from evil.  Elimination of suffering.  Elimination of enemies.  Three days of Protection.  Three days of Wealth.  Three days of Music. 

New Moon in Libra

Energy of Now: New Moon in Libra

Tavocardohe Energy of Now is knowing the VALUE OF DIFFICULTIES.  Your difficulties help you to be as strong as a diamond.  They help you seek solutions and resolutions making you commit to a life of happiness.  Living in the energy vortex of now – not the past and not the future – enables you to really work on your life in a realistic way. 

YOUR PAIN When nobody wants to listen to your pain I send you healing.  When you are constantly angry I send you inner peace.  When you are lost I send you hope. When you are feeling drained and lifeless I wish you a sacred chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.  Whatever tragedy you are going through right now IT WILL PASS.  This is the vortex with this energy of this New Moon.

YOUR HUMAN REVOLUTION  Sometimes becoming a person people can trust can make you dig deep into your own human revolution; and MAKE YOU take a good look at yourself and the way you interact with others.  It is so important to win the war in your heart first before you win the war in other peoples hearts and lives.

Energetic AirLIBRA seeks balance, clarity, recognition, approval, grace, communication and love in everything.  They have an innocence in their thinking and being.  They love to be noticed, surrounded by nice things and wearing nice clothes.  Libras are the true ‘show-off’ when they want to be. And it does suit them when they show off! They are so graceful and charming and elegant and gorgeous when they smile their winning smile.  It is as if their smile radiates through  their element air and beams alight around them.  What is this New Moon in Libra about?  This Libran New Moon is about developing a life overflowing with benefit; so write and declare your seedings’ and your wantings’.  Write them down. 

Atiti SosimiKarma for Happiness  We are all creating the karma for happiness. When we write down our New Moon wishes we are creating our new improved karma.  When we meditation on them we are visualising them and calling them into being.  When we concentrate our intention and actions in our lives we manifest them into being.  These are the great steps we take to actualise our goals and our visions every two week.  We come back home to ourselves – our inner self – to remind out selves of our commitment to our happiness. What is your  happy karma?  How do you keep your happy karma going?  “We are all Treasure Towers for World Peace.”  If you keep working towards world peace and towards peace where ever you are; you are creating happy karma for yourself and others.  Continue the great work. 

sad flowersKarma for Unhappiness  We all can make happy karma as well as unhappy karma.  When we give up on life we create unhappy karma. Our energy droops like the flowers in this picture.  They  have given up on life and they are no longer shining and looking upwards.  Their heads are downcast and the flowers do not look us in the face!  When we lie we create unhappy karma.  When we wish evil on another we create unhappy karma for ourselves.  There is cause and effect in life.   What is your unhappy karma?  How do you stop your unhappy karma moving forward in your life?  One of the best way to stop this unhappy karma is to maintain a disciplined practice of prayer, chanting and meditating.  You could also exercise, eat healthy and mix with people who lift your spirit.

ExpansivenessSeeding Bold Advance   This is a time of BOLD ADVANCE. To keep a bicycle moving we have to keep pedalling.  So to keep our life force high we have to keep looking after ourselves and recharging ourselves – which we do with the meditations of Bold Advance with this New Moon in Libra  We are creating a river that flows into the future.   We are deeply reflecting on our lives; and the reflection points the way forward. 

Libra, Aquarius and Gemini are AIR signs.  They love communicating, mixing with people, talking, thinking, planning, wondering and living in the mind.  They are generous and kind and like sharing what they  have with everyone.  They are outgoing and love socialising and being the centre of attention.  They love explaining things and moving around and learning new things and meeting new people. 

Detachment   However, because the element is AIR, they may appear detached, cold, aloof, distant and unfriendly; even though they socialise a lot.  Where are you feeling a need to pull away in your life at the moment?  Where are you feeling overwhelmed by a person or a situation?  New Moon in Libra is not easy as you may find yourself swaying from one emotion to another about a person or a situation. 

Talking  They; (Air Signs: Libra, Aquarius, Gemini); talk through their emotions and understand through words, rather than feelings or actions.  They can talk about a situation that bothers them for hours and hours and hours!  I have a Libran client who likes to talk and talk and talk.  I have a Libran friend who likes to talk about her experiences; and then we go into a session where she gets guidance with insights; and ends up paying for a session; or giving me a gift; whichever one suits her pocket.  I make sure I do not do this anymore.  A session is a session.  I am much better now at knowing the difference between my work and just general chatter.  The energy of now is balance and seeking fairness and justice.

Aries, Libra, Cancer and Capricorn are Cardinal signs meaning they are leaders and good at pushing forward and initiating things.  They are go getters and like to lead by example.  They are happiest being in charge and running the show.  They do not like to be led and do not take kindly to being told what to do.  They like mastering their gifts and moving forward to success.  They are achievers and determine to succeed. The Libran energy seeks balance in all they do.

two flowers living togetherThe symbol for Libra is the Scale for balance.  The ruler is Venus, Goddess of Love.  Librans are in love with love. They tend to live in the AIR and have to learn to live in the real world with their relationships and not in their imagination!  They can have discussions in their heads and think they are having it with the partner who is no where around.  When they see the partner they tend to think they know what they are talking about as they have been talking to them in their head!  Librans need to be realistic and honest with themselves in their relationships. 

Dream Time  Librans live in the air and dream in the air and from time to time I have to remind them to come back down to earth where people live.  No one lives in the air – only your thoughts and thinking – only your mental body is there.  With the Energy of Now, if you find yourself ‘living in the clouds’ you know you are in the energy of Libra, you are thinking too much or perhaps you are thinking when normally you do not!  Which would be good.  Librans are good at Dream Time. 

Librans are high intellect people who love great debates and discussions and intellectual challenges. 

Giving They love to do something for others less fortunate than them; and you will see them giving something to charity; or someone they know needs something.  I have a Libran male friend who likes to give presents a lot.  In fact all the Librans I know are generous, loving, and giving. 

Beware the Temper  They can attack you with words all of a sudden if they feel wounded and without warning! 

Tidy and House Proud  Librans are house proud and are very tidy.  My sister is a Libran and she loves furniture and furnishes her home beautifully.  She is also always cleaning it with bleach through which drives my nostrils wild!  I do not understand why she does not stop this habit, but she tells me it is clean and healthy.  When Librans make up their minds about something they do not easily change their minds.  They may even argue with you if you suggest a new way of doing something to them, sometimes…..

Janet holding the talking stick crystalBeware destructive habits that undermine your happiness and well being.  Are you thinking obsessively about a person or situation?  Do you have an addictive personality that is not honouring who you are becoming?  This New Moon in Libra is a time of great reflection and great insight.  Use the energy well.  It really is a powerful vortex of healing invisible light.  Where is your addiction?  Where is your addictive behaviour?  Where is your addictive habit.  Be aware. 


Invocation Blessing for New Moon in Libra

24 September 2014

Wisdom Life Readings with Toks

I Greet You

With the Gift of Insight

The Gift of Healing

The Gift of Reading Souls

I Greet You


I Greet You

With the Gift of Knowledge

The Gift of Love

The Gift of Healing Love

I Greet You

Hindu Gods

I Greet You

With the Gift of the Hindu Gods

Durga (Direction), Lakshmi (Beauty) and Saraswati (Life)

Blessing You with Love in All Areas of Your Life

I Greet You

Glowing Equinox Light

I Greet You

With the Glowing Autumn Equinox Portal Gates

Welcoming You Going Inwards & Ascending

Reaching Higher Levels of Consciousness

I Greet You

Shavana and Yvonne

I Greet You

With Your Magnetic Protection

Being Buried Alive & Being Pulled Down

Enfolding You in Your Initiation Magnificence

I Greet You

Happy New Moon

I Greet You

With the Seeding of Newness

Sealing Your Seeding Deep into Mother Earth

Courageously Confident in Your Planting

I Greet You


I Greet You

With Your Soul Mate

Lost in Each Other’s Arms

Starting a New Life Together in Love

I Greet You

spiritual friendships

I Greet You

With New Moon in Libra Loving Energy

Bringing Hematite Healing Relationships

Holding You in the Vortex of Love

I Greet You

red jasper

I Greet You

With the Energy of Red Jasper

Creating Newness and Boldness

Commanding Respect in Boundaries

I Greet You

Flowers of Happiness

I  Greet You

With the Flowers of Happiness

Blooming from Seeds of Suffering and Hope

Transformational Victory for Self and Others

I Greet You


I Greet You

With the Divine Hope of You

Encircling You in Your Rainbow Cloak

Seeding the Glorious Dance of Sacred You

I Greet You

Gary Robin Yani Toks Patric

I Greet You

With the Creative Air of Life

Breathing Energy into Your Body

Glorious River of Air Flowing into Your Future

I Greet You

                                     Yani cutting his cakeYani lights the world

I Greet You

With Balance in Your Life

Sharing Precious Moments

A Shining Pioneer of Peace

I Greet You

Commitment to your happiness

I Greet You

With the Wonderful Gift

Commitment to Your Happiness

Wonderful You Wonderful Life

I Greet You


I Greet You

I Greet  You

I Greet You

Channelled by Toks Beverley Coker for the New Moon in Libra 24 September 

© Toks Coker 2014

New Moon in Libra


Due to the intense energy vortex of this New Moon all Homework will be given privately to those who turn up for the Moon in Libra Circle Workshop. 

Hi, I hope you enjoyed this post. Drop me a line and let me know how you found it.

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Toks Coker Hands of Light Ankh Snake Heart SparkleToks Coker 2013Toks Coker Hands of Light Ankh Snake Heart Sparkle

With Celestial Blessings and Love Toks xxxxxxx

© Toks Coker 2014