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New Moon in Scorpio; Total Solar Eclipse Diwali 13.11.12

triumph of good over evilfestival of lightDiwali festival of light

HAPPY DIWALI Festival of Light

Happy New Moon in Scorpio


Happy Total Solar Eclipse

(moon completely blots out the sun)

On the Menu we have:Legion of Light Chef

  1. Invocation Blessing
  2. Energy of Now: New Moon in Scorpio with Total Solar Eclipse and Diwali Festival of Light
    1. New Moon in Scorpio
      1. Holding Still
      2. Truth
      3. Love
    2. Total Solar Eclipse
      1. History Eclipse in 2011 and 2012cup cakes from aysha
      2. Nick Hughes
      3. Pluto Lord of Death
      4. Change
      5. Reflection
      6. Saturn Lord of Karma & Opportunity
    3. Diwali Festival of Light
      1. Inner Light
  3. New Moon in Scorpio with Total Solar Eclipse Quote
  4. New Moon in Scorpio with Total Solar Eclipse Action
  5. What will be covered in the Meditation Workshop
  6. Feedback from previous Meditation Workshop: Full Moon in Taurus & Sun in Scorpio Homework
  7. WORKSHOP Dates:
    1. 12:12:12
    2. 13:12:12 New Moon in Sagittarius, the day after 12:12:12
    3. 21:12:12  Winter Solstice Workshop
    4. 28.11.12 Full Moon in Gemini & Sun in Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse   The time between eclipses are vortexes or tornados of change.
    5. January 2013 Holistic Feng-Shui
  8. Contact Details & Diary with Next Meditation

Tim & Stepahnie Harrison

Invocation Blessing for New Moon in Scorpio

Total Solar Eclipse and Diwali Festival of Light

Channelled by Toks Beverley Coker 13/11/2012

moon blessings

We Greet You

With Heart to Heart Blessing Comfort

In these Intense Times

Birthing Catalytic Change in a Moment

Manifesting Dreams and Desires

We Greet You

crystal heart light

We Greet You

With Light Shifts Before your Eyes

Signalling your Internal Light Shifts

Assisting Tidal Changes Within

Allowing Inner Divine Timings

We Greet You

Neya and Anou, Angels of Light

We Greet You

With the Light of Global Mass Consciousness

Seeking Spiritual Understanding

Clarifying Puzzlements of Happenings

Igniting a New Sacred Knowing

We Greet You

spiralling snake energy

We Greet You

With Universal Order

In the Collective Galactic Vortex

Crowning the Universal Mystic Path

Taking you Home Within the Turmoil

We Greet You

Angelic whispers

We Greet You

With Angels of Transfiguration

Releasing Your Burden

Allowing Your Breakups & Breakdowns

Lightening Your Karmic Load

We Greet You

Annular Solar Eclipse Japan 21.5.2012 - Copy

We Greet You

With the Vortex of Happiness

In this Total Solar Eclipse

Anchoring Positive Experiences

In Various Different Timelines

We Greet You

FM Yanni

We Greet You

With Lakshmi Floating on a Lotus Petal

Goddess of Spiritual Good Fortune

Goddess of Material Good Fortune

Manifesting Good Luck

We Greet You


We Greet You

With Vesta/Hestia, Goddess of The Sacred Flame

Olympian Goddess of the Hearth & Centre of the Home

Principle of Spiritual Focus &

Devotion to One’s Calling

We Greet You

Angel of protection

We Greet You

With Lakshmi Angel

Lighting Your Abundance

Adorning Your Home

Blessings of Love & Healing

We Greet You

Becky York & Emily Burfoot  Legions of Light hug

We Greet You

With a Cosy Life

Reaching for Cosy Thoughts

Thinking Your Milestone Truths

Into Being

We Greet You

pink orchids of healing

We Greet You

With the Vortex of Invisible Healing Light

In Your Vortex of Light

Transforming Your ‘Lies’ in Your Vortex

Simply Healing Your Vortex of Light

We Greet You

Chiioma Schramm Nwaozuzu

We Greet You

With Supportive People

With Loving Environments

With Graceful Niceness

With Happy Moments

We Greet You

Italian Ancestory

We Greet You

With Joyful Kindness

With Flowing Graciousness

With Safety

With Security

We Greet You

FullMoon in Taurus & Sun in Scorpio 29.10.112

We Greet You

With the Matrix of the Eclipse

Labyrinth of Spiralling Light

Celestial Light and Underground Darkness

The Same Pure Light All Around

We Greet You

celestial meditation

We Greet You

With the Inner Light

Blissfully Blinded by the Outer Light

Truly Seeing with our Inner Eye, our Third Eye

Our Inner Sight Greets Us

We Greet You

xl womans meeting 27.7.11

We Greet You

With Egyptian Goddess Nutt & her Stars

Twinkling with the Diamond Ring of the Eclipse

Seeding Portals of Opportunities

Great Quantum Leaps of Growth

We Greet You

clouds of rainHawaii

We Greet You

With Healing Rainy Clouds (Mehul Indian)

Cleansing the Environment Energy

Enabling Fresh Air to be Breathed In

Feeding Your Pranic Life Force

We Greet You

triumph of good over evil

We Greet You

We Greet You

We Greet You

Channelled by Toks Beverley Coker 13.11.2012

together as onemisunderstandingsi am listening




NEW MOON IN SCORPIO:  This is definable a time to stand still and reflect and allow the process to move at its own pace.  The NewMoon is a time to plant seed and geminate.  It is not a time to take action. It is a time to reflect on the past two weeks and the past years and hold still in your reflections as your put together your re-configurement of your past into the new you that you are becoming. 

HOLDING STILL: My friend Eva beautifully sums this up when she wrote : Although we may feel driven to strike out, journeying away from the outmoded, this could scatter energies which may best be served by holding still, staying a little longer with the internal melt downs that atogether together togetherre possible, if not inevitable now….so we can reconfigure past experiences to serve the new purposes being forged … that is: things will cool into their new shapes, no need to force the moment of release…just be ready for it… like the golden leaves on an autumn tree… So, things are probably not as they outwardly appear – any signs, may still be masterfully camouflaged, hidden in plain sight … those who notice the shadows and investigate by torchlight may see more than they bargained for –the commitments and responsibilities coming are serious but potentially bound with joy… This eclipse @22 Scorpio is part of SS15 north which last occurred in 1994 and will next occur in 2030, it was born in 1219 and will conclude in 2463. http://astrobaker.wordpress.com/

TRUTH:  Scorpio seeks truth.  Scorpio hates lies – no matter how small.  They do not mind lying but they do not like being lied to!  Double standards with the water sign Scorpio like spiralling water that can destroy you by taking you down with it or throwing you to safety by lift you up and out of the spiralling tornado!  Trying to lie at this time is not wise as the energy of water with Scorpio will reveal your lie to others.

LOVE:  Scorpio needs someone to love whether or not they will admit it.  We all need someone to LOVE.  Do you have someone you love?  Do you have someone who loves you? Whether or not you admit it; it is a wonderful feeling to be loved; and to love another with your heart.  Feelings of intense passion and sexuality are very potent now.  The need to pro-create and ‘fuse’ with another being is paramount. 

Toks & Hands of Light


TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE: The moon completely blots out the sun and the earth cannot see the sun. Happy awe-inspiring Total Solar Eclipse.  A Solar Eclipse sets something free.  It reveals something that was hidden.  I believe eclipses open up a physical or energetic shift globally.  What would you like to reveal?  What has been revealed to you?  What has been hidden?  What would you like to hide?  What has been let go of? 

History Eclipses: In 2011 we had 4 solar eclipse January 4, June 1, July 1 and November 25 and 2 lunar eclipse June 15 and December 10.  In 2012 we have 2 solar eclipse May 20 and November 13 and 2 lunar eclipse June 4 and November 28.  This new moon is a total solar eclipse and the next full moon will be a lunar eclipse.  You can see it here http://shadowandsubstance.com/  and  http://youtu.be/Hn5nKlMY5cI.   The time between two eclipses are vortexes or tornados of change.  What changes will you notice in your life when November 28 comes?

Nick HughesNick Hughes, in his newsletter writes:  A solar eclipse sets something free, something that was suppressed or inhibited in some way. It could be something perceived as negative such as anger, fear, inappropriate desire or something perceived as positive such as creativity, self-worth etc. However, with eclipses, things are never entirely what they seem with what initially appears as negative sometimes turning out to be positive and vice versa. Events might happen on the day of an eclipse but more often the event comes in the days or weeks leading up to the eclipse or following it. Solar eclipses come in a series of four, each falling close to the same day and the same degree, nineteen years apart. The first one in the series was on 13 November 1993, the second is happening on 13 November 2012, the third on 14 November 2031 and the final one on 14 November 2050.  Eclipses can also be seen as part of a Saros cycle that lasts around 1400 years. This eclipse will be visible in northern and eastern parts of Australia, New Zealand and some south pacific islands. www.phoenixastrology.co.uk

RIP AngiePLUTO is Lord of Death. Death is CHANGE. The Total Solar Eclipse is known by many names: as the Dragon who ate the sun:  Sun-eating Dragon, the Spirit of the Dead and the Eye of God.  It shuts down / ‘kills’ / ‘eclipses’ an aspect of your life or psyche when the moon covers the sun completely and then it reveals an aspect that needs to be revealed when the sun starts peering through.  In the SILENCE of this ‘change-over’ is the magic and transformation and realisation that must happen.  NEW CODES NEW DNA NEW WAVES.  What ends at the time of an eclipse will not come together again!  Deaths can be actual physical deaths or symbolic deaths. Lots of deaths happen around the portal of an eclipse.  Eclipses are doorways, passage ways to different dimensions and paradyne shifts. What transfiguration will you go through with this eclipse?

ThDancing together in understandinge collective energy at this time makes this a transformative time that forces change WITHIN your psyche. The change involves you going to your underworld (Scorpio), your shadow side, the repressed (dead) part of yourself that you do not want to look at. Here, you wonder lost in the confusion of your mind, you begin to realise you are alone in the desert with no one around you. When you lift your head out of the sand of your underworld, you see that everyone around you has their head buried in their own underworld! Though this is an overpowering energetic confusing time you begin to realise that people are feeling just like you and ‘pretending’ to be OK. The competitive nature of mankind can make ‘living a lie’ very troublesome and difficult. But the energy of today cannot take a lie so we are seeing lots of sudden dramatic changes around the world in politics, banking and TV!

Change can be sudden and abrupt as we have seen with the resent elements –rising high earth (earthquakes), water (floods, rain), fire (bush fires, war) and air (wind, gales).  Change can be a gradual process like the shedding of the snakes skin, which happens when the skin is ready to shed itself and not before. Just like the butterfly that changes from the cocoon!  This energy is about transitions and transformations into new experiences that force your spiritual growth in the preparation to 12:12:12 and 2013. Universe wants you to be a better person.  What changes have you made in the past year? What changes have you made in the past 4 years? What changes are you resisting? What changes do you have to make? What changes would you like to make but are finding it difficult to do?   Activate a catalytic change in a moment. 

REFLECTION: This new moon is a very personal time, a time to go within and view your issues with power. Do you own your own power? Do you give your power away to others? Do you miss-use your power to control? Reflecting in this way is acknowledging the truth that we have the power to transform and change anything.  We all have to stand up to acknowledge that we have the power to transform and change. We have the power to celebrate who we are and give thanks.

SATURN is Lord of Karma.  Karma is OPPORTUNITY.  This week look at areas you can re-invent yourself and re-fine yourself.  Look for areas of opportunities around you? Perhaps you could share what you are wanting with a few people and invite in creative new opportunity that ignites a new authentic you and aligns you to your greater self?  The energy of Scorpio with the Total Solar Eclipse forces us to face our lies and fears and doubts and raises trust issues and feelings of self worth.  Perhaps you are feeling or sensing old patterns of not being valued creep up and your negative doubts are making you not trust someone you should!  This is very true to this energy at this time.  Quickly clear up any misunderstanding with a quick phone call and do not harbour the negative feeling which can be overwhelming and make you go down the wrong road; spiralling you down to the dark underworld of pain and suffering of ‘not valued’.  This can be a hard time if you are not careful. 


ENERGY OF NOW:  DIWALI, Festival of Light

We call in LAKSHMI into our homes and our offices to bestow on us auspicious blessings of good fortune, wealth, charm, beauty, grace, prosperity, riches, opulence, and gelotus light nerosity during this wonderful Festival of Light held in honour of Hindu Goddess Lakshmi. The FESTIVAL OF DIWALI is known as the FESTIVAL OF LIGHT celebrating the triumph of good over evil. It is a spiritual celebration honouring the light within each one of us and celebrating our awareness and awakening of this INNER LIGHT. It is a time of spiritual seeding and seeking; as this light endows us with compassion, kindness, and a feeling of oneness with everyone and every thing. We celebrate peace on earth and the INNER LIGHT in each person. We rejoice with Atman and Brahman. Atman is the INNER LIGHT. Brahman is the underlying REALITY of all things. surrounded by healing lightWe honour LAKSHMI’s strength and her kindness to humanity. She bestows happiness and good fortune to all who acknowledge and revere here. She anchors Satisfaction in your life. Call her when you want a satisfying life and when you want questions answered.  Pray to her to help you activate financial abundance in your life and in your heart.  Pray for financial flow throughout the year.  During Diwali people celebrate by wearing new clothes and gold for abundance and sharing sweets and snacks.  Diwali is a family event with friends involving the lighting of small clay lamps filled with oil to signify the triumph of good over evil.  Just like the NewMoon energy it is the time we begin searching for our spiritual selves and anchoring and strengthening it.


We Greet

Honouring Lakshmi’s Strength

Goddess of Splendour & Happiness & Generosity

Goddess of Prosperity, Wealth, Riches & Opulence

Goddess of Satisfaction, Charm, Grace & Beauty

We Greet You

New Moon in Scorpio with Total Solar Eclipse Quote

The past belongs to the past.  Let me let go of it, because it does not belong to me.  Brahma Kumaris

You should not have the slightest fear in your heart. It is lack of courage that prevents one from attaining Buddhahood. WND, 637 Nichiren Buddhism:

Those who are great spread happiness through their every action.  Brahma Kumaris

It is like the case of a poor man who spends night and day counting his neighbours wealth but gains not even half a coin. …T’ien-t’ia  school’s commentary states, “unless one perceives the nature of one’s life, one cannot eradicate one’s grave offences.”   WND. 3-4  Nichiren Buddhism:  On Attaining Buddhahood in this Lifetime.

shoes of love

New Moon in Scorpio with Total Solar Eclipse Action

  1. Really make an effort to celebrate who you are now by sitting quietly with yourself for 15 minutes and honouring who you have become with ease and pleasure. 
  2. Look at the good things you have achieved and then make new determination for the things you have yet to achieve or finish. 
  3. For one day really work on saying only nice things to yourself aloud and in your mind.  Say nice things to other people and really mean it.  Talk to them from your heart and see if there is a difference in your energy frequency. 
  4. Really make an effort to embrace your dark side – your Dart Vadar – your underworld and just hold the energy in peace.  Then feel it melt away and dissolve. 
  5. Clarify an action or misunderstanding with someone so you empower them and make them feel loved by you. 
  6. I love you. I love you.  I love you.  I Greet You.  I Greet You.  I Greet You.  I hear you.  I hear you.  I hear you.

What will be covered in the Meditation Workshop

We will be covering all the above working with Lakshmi, water energy, intense projections and enable-ment.  We will be working on the goals you set for the next two weeks and asking for insight into each goal and clarification as to whether each goal set is relevant and right for you at where you are now.  We will be transforming old out-dated mode of thinking into positive subliminal change that brings in joy into your life.  There will be laying on of hands healing and anointment with the crystal wand and oil as well as auric cleansing in the workshop.  See you then.  Love Toks xxxx


Gary Reich touching the moon amathyst crystalFullMoon in Taurus & Sun in Scorpio 29.10.112Becky York & Emily Burfoot  Legions of Light hug

“Thank you Toks for another wonderful meditation healing workshop. Legion of Light Becky York.”

“Thank you Toks. Words cannot express how amazing tonight’s meditation was. The energies were dancing through me tonight. Amazing. Love you Legion of Light Sharon Gordon.”

“The experience was light and grounding all at once – a sense of worlds shifting / planes shifting in and out as primordial consciousness. The group dynamics was refreshing though verbal and eye contact was scarce – very interesting. So glad I came. Legion of Light Collin Clay Chace.”

“The meditation this evening was very powerful; and I met some fabulous and light filled people. Thank you Toks for holding such a supportive space. Legion of Light Emily Burfoot.”

“An exquisite, perfectly formed two hour experience from the second I entered to front door: from the sheet I smelt the wave of divine essence floating down the stairs; to the spiral dancing! Legion of Light Gary Reich.”

FM Collin Clay ChaceFM YanniEmily & Becky Legions of Light Hugging Smile


  1. List 10 things you need to give up.  e.g. complaining, controlling, pretending, procrastinating, indecisive, inertia,  blaming, hating, deceiving, abusing, labelling?
  2. List 10 things you need to invite into your life. e.g. love, patience, healing, truthful, honesty, integrity, passion, fresh air, taking action, pacing yourself, enjoying your now.
  3. The time between eclipses heralds change.  Note any change down in your spiritual journal as the next few days will be powerful portals of change for you in your new seeding with this energy.  What changes have you made in the past year? What changes have you made in the past 4 years? What changes are you resisting? What changes do you have to make? What changes would you like to make but are finding it difficult to do?
  4. What has shaken you up?  Why?  What did you do to cause this shake up? What did you not do?
  5. To honour Lakshmi:
    1. Take a purification bath in the morning.
    2. Buy something new for yourself. 
    3. Open up your Solar Plexus and your Heart for healing.
    4. Wear something red for activity or gold for fulfilment.
    5. Light a row of t-light candles or oil lamps to purify your life.

12/12/12 WORKSHOP

at Violet Hill Studios, 6 Violet Hill, St Johns Wood, London NW8 9EB   

TIMES:   10am-5pm     7pm-1am      10am–1am     I have yet to tune into the pricing and will let you all know.  Thank you.

2013 January WORKSHOP

Holistic Feng-Shui with Grace and Toks

 GraceToks and Grace

I have know Grace for over 10 years.  I met her in Jordan when one of my clients invited me over to see what great success he had achieved with his work with me. We will be organising a workshop together January 2012.  See you then.  Love Toks and Grace xxx


Meditative Toks


Meditation: Holding the LightTuesday 13 November 2012 New Moon in Scorpio Total Solar Eclipse Element – Water http://tokscokernewmoon1112.eventbrite.com/?ebtv=C

Next Meditation: Wednesday 28 November 2012  Full Moon in Gemini & Sun in Sagittarius  Lunar Eclipse   14:46GMT    Element – Air

2012 dates: https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/moon-calendar-2012-uk

Spiritual Payment: http://www.tokscoker.com/calendar.html

Info on Meditation: http://www.tokscoker.com/moon_meditation.html

Info on New Moon Meditation: http://www.tokscoker.com/new_moon_meditation.html

Info on Full Moon Meditation: http://www.tokscoker.com/full_moon_meditation.html

See you at the meditations, workshops and 1:1 sessions
Love Toks xxxxxx