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Full Moon in Scorpio 22 April 2016

Happy Full Moon

Healing for YouAn Alchemical Gathering on Friday 22 April celebrating:

    1. Full Moon in Scorpio – Sun in Taurus

    2. International Earth Day

    3. Hanuman Jayanti / Monkey God Birthday (Hindu)

    Red heartFull Moon in Scorpio – Sun in Taurus   Red heartWorm Moon   Red heartTime: 7pm   Red heartDate: Friday 22 April

    Red heartElements: Water/Earth   Red heartClick: Details: Moon Alchemy

    Energy of Now

    orange orchidUnpacking:  This Full Moon finds us unpacking our experiences from our suitcases and sorting them out. This sort out with this Full Moon is a reaction to the change we are going through and cannot stop.

    Awareness: This Full Moon says it is time to really be aware of your successes and accomplishment, no matter how small or overwhelmed you are feeling at the moment.

    Building Process:  There is a building process with this Full Moon. What more can you achieve? What more do you really want? What more do you need to improve to be more in your life? Perhaps learn a new skill or do a new action you have never done before.

    Birthing:  The Energy of the New Moon in Aries, 7 April, called forth a birthing of Newness in you – a different diary, a different action you are doing to make your life more rounded and happier. What birthing action are you carrying through to this Full Moon? Is it going to the gym?  Is it changing your diary and rearranging things differently?  What ‘new’ thing have you carried forth into this Full Moon.

    Homework Reflection:  Earlier on 10 January, New Moon in Capricorn, we held a wonderful Vision Quest at the Moon Gathering and did a photo montage for 2016. Take a look at what you did at that Moon Gathering and check that you are on target. Perhaps you can make a new photo montage with reference to ONE area of your life e.g. your business, your work, your relationship, your home, etc. This helps you to anchor your own thoughts and actions in the month of April.  It also helps you to assess yourself and your progress.

    What we will cover at the Alchemical Moon Gathering

    on Friday 22 April

    ConnectingImprove:  We will look at what you need to do to ‘improve’ one area of your life e.g. work ethics, relationship attitude, etc.  Perhaps you have to buy a 2016 diary and write down what you need to do on what day so you do not forget and find that your memory is not as reliable as you think it is.  Having a diary is not a handicap.  Forgetting you have to do something all the time is a handicap to you and your business and your reputation.  People stop trusting you and do not believe in your words or actions.  Get a diary and start putting your information in it.  Or use your computer or phone.  All successful people use a diary they do not always rely on their brain!

    Intension:  We will look at your intention for yourself and for others.  How often do you throw a bad thought and criticise the person shouting at you?  How often do you throw a bad thought out to the person correcting you?  Why do you think that your negative thoughts will not be felt by the other person? what is the core energy of your intension? 

    Undermining:  Look at how your past is undermining your present and your future. How are you holding yourself back?  How are you sabotaging yourself?  How are you toning your mind, body and spirit?  How are you undermining yourself?  Why are you undermining yourself and others?  Are you undermining yourself for the same reason you are undermining another?  What are your attachments to undermining your self?  Why? How versatile are you at undermining yourself?

    • Happy:  Every time I am with you I feel wanted.
    • Take Away:  You cannot take away more people from me.
    • Competition:  Your friends are not your friends when they are in competition.
    • Angry:  I think my skin is on fire.

    Shifts:  Create Shifts in a sacred gathering.  We will look at creating shifts in your life, in a deep way, that lasts. We will look at how these shifts create actions that give you good results that are supportive, creative and push you forward in your life.  We will look at how the shifts can take you out of a situation that no longer serves you. 

    Separation:  We will look at the issue of separation.

    1. Separation:  Are you feeling separated?  Separated from yourself?  Separated from the people you love?  How can you stop this feeling of separation?  What needs to be merged so you can stop feel separated?  Does this feeling of separation make you feel empty and isolated? Do you feel that people leave you alone, even when you want them to stay?  Is the issue of separation ‘killing’ you in more ways than one. 
    2. Pretend:  At the Moon Gathering we will heal any feeling workingof separation or pretending. We tend to push away the very thing we want. We pretend we do not want something or someone. We pretend our family karma is not important; and then; constantly drink and take drugs. These actions of pretending add to feelings of separation, segregation and lying. Pretending stops you from knowing the true you and from knowing the truth. It may encourage you to live a lie.  Do you really want to live a lie by pretending? 
    3. World:  Separation in our actions, our minds, our hearts and our thoughts is a very prevalent process in the world. How are you separating yourself from others? Is it really necessary? 
    4. Boundaries:  Sometimes separation helps us to create boundaries about what we want and what we do not want. We may have boundaries or we may have no boundaries. We may have weak boundaries.  When we finally decide we have had enough we will create strong boundaries. 
    5. Unrequited:  We connect with people who do not want us. We make ourselves believe they want us and we are disappointed when we finally realise there will always be a separation and unrequited love. We try to connect with people, places, events and situations that do not want the best for us, do not want us around and are not the best for our hearts. We ‘section’ ourselves in our mind, body and spirit. We separate ourselves. We interfere with our own happiness and sabotage our happiness. Separation is a big issue with this Full Moon.

    This Full Moon is a time to look at these issues; and receive insights and constructive practical actions; to take with courage and confidence.  Time is like a river.  You cannot touch the same water twice because the flow that has passed will never pass again.  Enjoy every moment of your life.

    bridgeBridging:  We will connect the broken bridge or create a new bridge, whichever feels right for you. We look at what we value; and want we want to keep and maintain in our lives; because it serves, empowers and supports us. What timeless feelings do you need to bridge; and allow to flow; and rock your life? Living is important in bridging your life. What kind of bridge helps your finances and your accounts? What does your bridge look like?

    Cleansing:  We will do a lot of cleansing. What needs to be released and dropped like a heavy lead weight or a very hot object?  We need to say goodbye to the past.  We cannot live in the past or the future.  We live in the Here and Now.  Saying Goodbye, is cleansing.  When you say Goodbye to the past, you say Yes to your life Now, and to living alive, and awake, in the Now.  Cleansing is saying Goodbye to your past.  Learn from the drama of your life.  Do not carry it with you.  Leave the story behind.  Learn the lesson.  With the experience of learning you cleanse the past; and the learning is cleansing; and your live in the Now and move forward.  Life cannot begin unless we say goodbye to the past and move on.  The Alchemical Moon Gathering is a place to activate all the possibilities awaiting you in your life. It a sacred cleansing space enabling your growth in all areas of your life.  

    Celebrate:  The Full Moon asks you to celebrate your EFFORTLESS achievements, victories, skills and talents. It also asks you to look at areas in your life for improvement and perfection. This Full Moon is about being there for yourself and being there for each other e.g. your team.  We will be celebrating the Full Moon, Earth Day and Hanuman Jayanti.  We will be honouring Mother Earth.  We will be linking in with Immortal Hanuman Jayanti and calling in health, wealth, success, and love; and asking him to remove our sufferings and pain. He is the 11th incarnation of Lord Shiva and served Lord Rama.  We will connect to the Divine.

    helloAchievements:  We will celebrate you and your achievements and power. And if you feel you have none we will show you how you can access them.  What impresses you? Who impresses you? What new vision do you need to forge for yourself to improve? Celebrate your loyalty.  Celebrate your joys.

    Gratitude:  The need to celebrate and give thanks to your life and to the positive situations around you is crucial in your growth.  We all have drama and history and stories to tell.  We all have violence and peace in us.  We all have joy and happiness too.  The Full Moon in Scorpio understands the various emotions we go through and understands the need to celebrate life and celebrate one’s’ life. Saying THANK YOU and feeling GRATITUDE is important if you want to advance in any area of your life.

    Connection We will reconnect you to the celebration of You and wholeness of you. We will connect to the Divine to access the greatest potential of you.

    Supportive Community The Alchemical Gatherings are a community of happy goddessessupportive individual who come together to empower themselves and grow.  Having gone through the confusion during the last New Moon and come out more focused and dynamic; how are you feeling now with this Full Moon?  The supportive community of the Alchemical Moon Gatherings is here to help you. Do you feel you still have to restore order in your mind? In your work?  In your home?  What are you tripping over because you have not cleaned up or cleared up?  What is your environment saying to you?  How friendly is your environment to you? Your Home? Your Office? Your Business area?  Practice makes perfect. Where do you need to perfect in your life?  It is very important – unleash your real winning self.   A supportive community helps you to perfect your life. 

    Forgiveness & Pain We all have pain that we think we have gotten over. Then something happens with this Energy of the Full Moon; and suddenly; the old painful memory erupts. The need to forgive yourself and others; tracks your pain; which may be hidden deep within, that you may not even realise that you still have that pain within you; because you have buried it so deeply within you. Forgiving others is a gift to yourself. Forgiving yourself is a gift to yourself.  Who do you need to forgive? Who needs to forgive you?  Who are you finding difficult to forgive.  Who is finding it difficult to forgive you?  Who can you not forgive?  Who cannot forgive you?  Let us go back to the statement: Forgiving others is a gift to yourself.  Choose to forgive with this Full Moon.

    Toks CokerDeeply Buried Pain:  Scorpio is emotional and passionate and holds deeply buried pain. The pain may be from childhood or well before birth. Scorpio is a water sign; so the need to cry; or to have someone cry your pain out; heals your pain; and activates forgiveness; in the incidence or the situation or the people who hurt you; as well as; in yourself. This deep healing comes only through the cleansing tears and water of Scorpio.

    Clear Action:  After the tearful cleansing you get the clear action to take. This is the Taurus practical determined action. You decide to heal the rift and make an effort to connect to the person who caused you the pain. You heal the rift. You mend the bridge. You melt the frozen hardness in your heart you thought was not there.

    Free and Liberated:  Once the action has been taken; you suddenly feel free and liberated to a fullness of joy in your life. You feel a deep sense of sensitive happiness; that fills you up with a great dance for life. This is a great alchemical healing of the past pain; to release you and create flow in your life; helping to nurture your unconscious and conscious feelings. This Full Moon calls in deep love, deep forgiveness, deep patience and deep will power. Are you ready?

    Prejudice:  I watched Murdock Mysteries, Series 9 Episode 13, on TV.  It was about prejudice and ill-will.  In this scene, the lady, Miss James, asks Murdock what he does when experiencing prejudice and ill-will as a Catholic.

    Murdock:  One difference, I suppose, is that people cannot tell I am Catholic just by looking at me.

    Miss James:  What do you do when you encounter such treatment, Detective?

    Murdock:   I know the truth about myself.  And I know that no matter what someone might say or think about me ….I must be the strongest and the best version of myself that I can possibly be.

    Miss James:  So go along to get along? 

    Murdock:  No. No. Simply be better than anyone who might hate you.

    Are we able to be better than anyone who might hate you.  That is the blessing and challenge of this Moon. We will be looking at the aspect of your Self Mastery.  We will be looking at your transformation and your relationships too. We will look at power struggles and what is working and what is not working. Are you the phoenix rising from the ashes?  Are you the dreamer or the dreamed?  This is such a powerful energy that encompasses many aspects of your live.


    Full Moon in Scorpio Experience

    Toks Experience:   A client of mine, my daughter, lost her lovely father and text me the funeral details early morning, 20 April.  I felt drawn to share it with my son, her business partner.  So I text another a business companion of hers, my son, to ask if he was coming.

    I went to sleep and when I woke up I heard his painful response on my answer machine on my phone.  I realised he was in deep pain; and I started to cry as I listened to his message he had left on my phone. He wanted to come but was not sure if she would want him there.  I kept feeling his pain, her pain and the whole painful situation; which was really out of their control and was something neither of them could have stopped or prevented.

    dreamcastleinairThen, all of a sudden, I saw and heard her father shout at me saying: “He has to be at the funeral. He is in my life and in my daughter’s life.”

    I quickly phoned and left a tearful message for her telling her what her father had said. I then called her business companion and told him her father said he had to be there. She called me back and heard me tearfully relay the experience of what her father said and I spoke with the tone and voice of her father. She said “I will call him immediately and I will invite him.”

    Later I got a text from her business companion and he told me she had left a wonderful message which made his heart sing. He said I had done my “magic power of healing” and I had brought them back together and healed the pain. He was so grateful. He was waiting for her call after 7pm after she finishes working.

    The pain I felt and the tears I cried was very real and deep. It was like I was crying for them and helping to heal the pain they both had buried deep within them from years ago.

    This Full Moon is a wonderful way to release deep pain you may be experience now or you have experienced before and you may have forgotten is still in you. Dialogue has the power to create miracles.  In this issue I was a helping hand; talking to her father; who is on the other side; and passing on a message to her and her business partner. Sometimes the power of the mystic forces interfere to help heal a situation. Some issues do not need a helping hand. Time definitely had passed for the healing to take place in this situation. Some situations can be healed immediately and some take time. Knowing the difference is important. The messages from the Dead, those who have passed over is very Scorpio: the delivery and communication. The action taken after the deliver is very Taurus. 


    We are bone alone, we live alone, we die alone.  only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for a moment that we are not alone.  Orson Welles

    Experience is not what happens to a man, it is what a man does with what happens to him. Aldous Huxley, English Novelist

    Today is a beautiful day, but I cannot see it.  Note by a blind man 

    job self portrait

    Invocation Blessing for Full Moon in Scorpio and Sun in Taurus

    on Friday 22 April 2016


    I Greet You

    With the Full Moon

    Shining Reflecting Your Brilliance

    Opening Up Your Exquisite Paradise

    I Greet You


    I Greet You

    With the International Earth Day

    Celebrating and Growing Trees on Earth

    Actions Supporting Earth

    We Greet You

    happy together

    I Greet You

    With Your Beautiful Awakening

    Celebrating Your Friendships and Sharing

    Your Magnificence and Magic

    I Greet You


    I Greet You

    With Your Empowerment

    Allowing Your Preciousness

    Your Brilliance in Living

    I Greet You

    I love you

    I Greet You

    With Your Experiences

    The Story You Tell Yourself

    Growing Your Learning

    I Greet You


    I Greet You

    With Your Living Magic

    Creating Focus on Your Life

    Capturing Your Mission Your Vision

    I Greet You

    lovely family

    I Greet You

    With Your Purpose

    Celebrating Your Greatness

    In the Adoration of Life

    I Greet You

    pink shoes

    I Greet You

    With Your Empowerment

    Helping You through Your Struggle

    Your Pain, Limitations, Fear, Suffering

    I Greet You

    full moon

    I Greet You

    With the Shiny Full Moon

    Illuminating Your Inner Greatness

    With the Outer Greatness of You:  Oneness

    I Greet You


    I Greet You

    With Your Ability to Shift

    Creating Light Shifts

    In the Adoration of You

    I Greet You

    pretty feet

    I Greet You

    With Your Possibilities

    Shining the Light on Them

    Your Hopes and Aspirations

    I Greet You


    I Greet You

    With Your Achievements

    Your Successes and Victories

    Your Triumphs and Winnings

    I Greet You


    I Greet You

    With Your Passions

    Your Nobleness of Sprit

    Your Effortless Death and Life Experiences

    I Greet You

    full moon

    I Greet You

    With Your Magical Focus

    Celebrating the Magic in You

    Celebrating the Magic of You

    I Greet You

    nice sun tree

    I Greet You

    With the Tree of Life

    Anchoring Your Blossoming

    Your Radiance this Full Moon

    I Greet You


    I Greet You

    With A Great Collaboration

    Enabling the Choosing of Confident Actions

    Supporting Your Vision, Abundance and Good Health

    I Greet You

    crystal clusters

    We Greet You

    With the Passionate Waters of Life (Scorpio)

    Igniting the Practical Actions You Take (Taurus)

    Vibrating Your Infinite Supply of Natural Vital Energy

    We Greet You

    husband and wife

    We Greet You

    With the Fullness of Your Life

    Celebrating YOU: in All Your Glory

    Joyful Precious Diamond Life Force

    We Greet You


    We Greet You

    With Your Inner and Outer Awakened Call

    Your Greatest Empowered Version of You

    Your Untapped Potential

    We Greet You


    We Greet You

    With Your Manifestations

    Your Glorious Showings

    Your Magnificence of Being

    We Greet You

    little one

    We Greet You

    With the Greatest Possibility of You

    Celebrating the You of You

    In the Magnificence of Your Mind, Body, Spirit

    We Greet You

    Shelly Bridgeman, Kay Westmoreland, Angela Buck, Dhriiti Mehra,Phylliis Sant Maria and Toks Coker in red

    We Greet You

    Welcoming You to Your Journey

    Welcoming You to Your ‘Becoming’ Process

    Opening the Ultimate You in Gorgeousness

    We Greet You

    Inti and Toks 2007

    We Greet You

    With Your Greatest Potential Right Now

    Unfolding Your Greatest Capabilities

    In the Moment of Now Transformation

    We Greet You


    We Greet You

    With Your Own Preciousness’

    Revealing a Higher Calling

    An Operating Factor for More

    We Greet You

    holding hands

    We Greet You

    With the Appreciation of Your Life

    Feeling Gratitude for Yourself

    Feeling Thankful for Your Being

    We Greet You


    We Greet You

    With the Thankful Potential of Others

    Allowing their Light to Shine

    In the Gloriousness of Your Support Structure

    We Greet You

    smiling beauty

    We Greet You

    With Your Determination and Focus

    Activating a Newness of Fullness

    In the Recognition of the Changes Made for Your Happiness

    We Greet You

    I Greet YOU

    We Greet You

    With Your Defined Changes of Life

    Allowing Your Blossoming

    To Activate Your Life Force

    We Greet You

    Michael Beckwith

    We Greet You

    We Greet You

    We Greet You

    Channelled by Toks Beverley Coker for the Full Moon Blossoming of your Life

                           steps to happinessa woman of spirit

      Message from Toks Coker

      Hello my friends,  I hope you enjoyed this blog post. Drop me a line and let me know how you found it. Below I share information about more of my work.  Thank you for taking the time to read it and clicking on the links. Thank you for sharing it too.  Cheers Toks xxx

    • Join my Mailing List & receive your FREE GIFT which comes with a Blessing for you for each of your Chakras. This has some valuable information shared over 8 days – one charka a day.  Click on 7 Days 7 Chakras.

    • Twitter:  https://twitter.com/ToksCoker

    • Blog:  You can follow me and LIKE my blog too. To do so just Scroll up to the top on your right.

    • Videos

    1. Sacred Dance  https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/the-sacred-dance/

    2. Story of Hands of Light https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/the-story-of-hands-of-light/

    3. Work I Do  https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/

    4. Moon Meditation https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/the-moon-meditation/

    5. Working with Crystals  https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/working-with-crystals/

    6. I have posted 4 short one minute videos on YouTube. They are: Time Between Eclipses,Impossible Moments, the Colour Red, Numerology Workshops.

      happy flowers

      Teaching and Group Work

      Every New Moon and Full Moon I teach, invoke and share knowledge gained with the you and the world. Click on this link to find all the dates and put them in your diary:https://tokscoker.wordpress.com/diary-dates/

      The Gathering of People who come to my meditation, classes and workshops are supportive, warm and real.  There are many Benefits of Meditation.  Click here to read more: Harvard Neuroscientist on Meditation

      I give free Distant Healing / Remote Viewing on the day of the New Moon and Full Moon to those who ask. Put all your HEALING REQUESTS on my Hands of Light Healing Fan Page.  You can leave a comment there anytime you want; and you can post under the healing posts your feelings and thoughts.  All posts should be respectful, and loving to everyone reading the healing page.  Thank you for your kind consideration and for LIKING  http://www.facebook.com/handsoflighthealing.

      As a qualified teacher and practitioner I teach Indian Head Massage, Crystal Healing, Spiritual Healing and Happiness.  I teach EFT, Positive EFT, and Emotrance.  I will be teaching some aspects of the Tao philosophy, Fusion of the Five Elements: Forming the Pakuas and Pearl, Cosmic Fusion: Fusion of the Eight Forces, Fusion of the Eight Psychic Channels: Opening and Sealing Psychics Channels. Iron Shirt Chi Kung 1: Rooting Cosmic Internal Energy, Cosmic Sounds: Sounds that Heal, Cosmic Inner Smile: Smiling Heals the Body, Tan Tien Chi Kung: Empty Force, Perineum Power and the Second Brain, Cosmic Orbit: Connect the Cosmos to Inner Orbit, Lesser Kan and Li: Enlightenment and Birth of the Immortal Fetus, Tao Yin and Healing Love.

      1:1 Alchemical Sessions

      I offer private and confidential 1:1 sessions that cover a variety of topics and life issues.  I do various types of intuitive spiritual readings and channelling in my work.  I am qualified in various modalities (e.g. Life Coaching, Spiritual Coaching, Time Line Therapy, NLP, Healing Massage and more) so I am capable of serving with integrity and power.  Allow me to help you and support you.

    • Donate to Charity: RNIB

        I am raising funds for the blind. If you can, please donate to RNIB. THANK YOU


      Feel free to pass on my work, and share my posts.  If you use any of my work, or my pictures, please give me the credit due by referencing me and links. Thank you.


    With Celestial Blessings and Love Toks xxxxxxx

    © Toks Coker